WE’RE BACK TO NORMAL! “The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best.” ~Paul Valery 3/17/14 Please take out your English notebook and write down today’s learning target. Also, take out your neon orange Senior Project due dates list and Senior Project Handbook! Learning target: Define Psych Lit Crit terms
Agenda 3/17/14 Plan for the week Senior Project reminders What do you when you get your paper back Psychoanalytical Lit Crit notes Homework: Nothing for your paper this week! (unless you’re working to finish up your RD#2…in that case, do it ASAP!) For your senior project “stuff”- bring in a copy of your SPECIFIC portfolio checklist and signed proposal this Friday!
Plan for the week Monday/Tuesday: Psychoanalytical Lit Crit notes Wednesday/Thursday: Background info on J.D. Salinger and Catcher in the Rye Friday: Checkout books, get reading assignment, and review Senior Project portfolio guidelines
Senior Project Reminders We’re having weekly portfolio building activities from now until the due date. This week: For Friday’s class, print out a copy of your specific checklist (i.e. job shadow, volunteer, etc.) and bring in your paper copy of your signed proposal. This is the first assignment in this category for the semester- it’s important to get in on time! Keep updating your hour log Next turn in is for 15 hours due on Thursday, March 27 th (that’s next Thursday!!)
When you get your paper back First, check your rubric. Proficient or higher? Nice! Tell me if you want me to “bank” your score. Not proficient? That’s okay! Read over all the comments on the rubric and the paper, then talk to me to clarify anything you’re not sure how to address. I’m here for conference period Wednesday this week in Lab 200 You can turn in your final draft anytime between now and the “real” due date of April 15 th But BE SURE you want it to be your final! Ask for help, set up an appointment, etc., so you can get the highest possible grade APPLY MY FEEDBACK FROM RD #2!! Follow all directions on how and what you resubmit
When you’re ready to resubmit You need to show what you did to improve your score in any of the categories you addressed So, if you want me to rescore, you need to identify what you did to fix which issues. I won’t rescore without this work done! The easiest way to do that? Add comments on your Word document highlighting where you fixed something You can use Track Changes to help, but please add comments to show which area of the rubric it addressed Make sure all edits are in the comment panel (not in-line)..\..\Senior Project\Research Paper\Sample Papers\Sample Excellent Paper.doc..\..\Senior Project\Research Paper\Sample Papers\Sample Excellent Paper.doc
What you’ll submit when you’re ready for your final to be graded Green rubric “wordy” side up Final draft showing improvements w/ word count and Works Cited RD #2 with my notes on it Turnitin.com submission into FINAL PAPER! WOO HOO! This will be your first portfolio grade for the semester- the final draft is worth 200 points
Time to dive into the depths! Psychoanalytical Literary Criticism!..\..\Lit Crit\Literary Criticism Psychoanalytical.ppt It’s all in your head!