Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative DEMAND MANAGEMENT Working Group Directorate-General for Energy and Transport.


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Presentation transcript:

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Urban Transport Benchmarking Initiative DEMAND MANAGEMENT Working Group Directorate-General for Energy and Transport EUROPEAN COMMISSION Luca Persia (University La Sapienza – Rome) Ian Bewick (TTR) - Rapporteur

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two The Group Dublin Ile de France London Oulu The Hague

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two The theme Demand Management is … a broad set of policies and measures aimed at reducing/rationalising transport demand on a network or part of it, in order to reduce traffic congestion and externalities … a very wide set of indicators collected during Year 1

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two From Year 1 to Year 2 Due to the big effort requested by data collection, participant cities decided to: Put more emphasis on experience exchange, rather than on indicator collection Refine some quantitative figures, while introducing several qualitative indicators Focus on two well defined themes

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Focus of the group on: 1.Integration of land-use and transport planning 2.Parking policies

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Some results: the site visits 3 interesting and fruitful visits to: 1.Dublin (Focus on: integration of land- use and public transport planning) 2.The Hague (Focus on: integration of land-use and transport planning) 3.Ile-de-France (Focus on intermodality) Reactions on transferability

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Some results: quantitative indic. Data on relationships between land-use and transport -> interesting findings Data on parking -> main gap in the urban transport databases

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Population of the cities

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Population density

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Job density

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Pop. density and car usage

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Job density and car usage

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Average trip length

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Trip length and city size

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two PT trip length and pop. density

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two N. of parking spaces in CBD

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two P+R spaces per 1000 residents

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Some results: qualitative indic. Drawn from PLUME Presented with different levels of details:

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Mono/poly centric LondonThe Hague OuluDublinIle-de- France Now PolyMono Long term PolyMonoMixedPoly

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two One authority for land-use and transport planning?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two One integrated plan for land-use and transport?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Parking policies linked to development (standards)?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Parking policies linked to public transport?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Public incentives to locate close to public transport?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Policy aimed at increasing cycling/ pedestrian facilities?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Policy aimed at increasing cost of car parking?

Urban Transport Benchmarking Year Two Some conclusions Integration of land-use and transport planning is a main priority for participant cities Gaps on parking data (n., revenues, fines) can affect correct planning People prefer to discuss, rather than to measure: balanced mix of quantitative/qualitative indicators