Part Five :The System of Administration China’s system of administration consists of the State Council and local governments at different levels. The local governments are subject to unified leadership of the State Council.
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council The State Council is the highest executive organ of State power, as well as the highest organ of State administration. It is composed of a premier, vice-premiers, State councilors, ministers in charge of ministries and commissions, the auditor- general and the secretary-general. The premier is nominated by the president, reviewed by the NPC, and appointed and removed by the president. Other members of the State Council are nominated by the premier, reviewed by the NPC or its Standing Committee, and appointed and removed by the president.
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council The State Council In the State Council, a single term of each office is five years, and incumbents cannot be reappointed after two successive terms. The State Council follows the system of premier responsibility in work while various ministries and commissions under the State Council follow the system of ministerial responsibility. In dealing with foreign affairs, State councilors can conduct important activities on behalf the premier after being entrusted by the premier of the State Council. The auditor-general is the head of the State Auditing Administration, in charge of auditing and supervising State finances.
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council The secretary-general, under the premier, is responsible for the day-to-day work of the State Council and is in charge of the general office of the State Council. The auditor-general is the head of the State Auditing Administration, in charge of auditing and supervising State finances.
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council The structure of the State Council Ministries and Commissions under the State Council Special Organization directly under the State Council Organizations directly under the State Council Offices Institutions Administrations and Bureaus under the Ministries & Commissions
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council Ministry of Foreign Affairs ● Ministry of National Defense National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Education ● Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Industry and Information Technology State Ethnic Affairs Commission ● Ministry of Transport Ministry of Public Security ● Ministry of Justice Ministry of State Security ● Ministry of Railways ● Ministry of Supervision ● Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Civil Affairs ● Ministry of Finance ● Ministry of Environmental Protection Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Ministry of Land and Resources Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development ● Ministry of Water Resources ● Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture ● Ministry of Culture National Population and Family Planning Commission People's Bank of China ● National Audit Office
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council Organizations directly under the State Council General Administration of Customs State Administration of Taxation State Administration for Industry and Commerce General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine State Administration of Radio, Film and Television General Administration of Press and Publication (National Copyright Administration) General Administration of Sport State Administration of Work Safety National Bureau of Statistics State Forestry Administration State Intellectual Property Office National Tourism Administration State Administration for Religious Affairs Counsellors' Office of the State Council Government Offices Administration of the State Council National Bureau of Corruption Prevention
Part Five :The System of Administration 1. Organization of the State Council Institutions Directly under the State Council Xinhua News Agency Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Chinese Academy of Engineering Development Research Center of the State Council China National School of Administration China Earthquake Administration China Meteorological Administration China Banking Regulatory Commission China Securities Regulatory Commission China Insurance Regulatory Commission State Electricity Regulatory Commission National Council for Social Security Fund National Natural Science Foundation Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Information Office of the State Council State Archives Administration
Part Five :The System of Administration 2. The Function of the State Council The State Council is responsible for carrying out the principles and policies of the Communist Party of China as well as the regulations and laws adopted by the NPC, dealing with such affairs as China's internal politics, diplomacy, national defense, finance, economy, culture and education.
Part Five :The System of Administration 2. The Function of the State Council the power of administrative legislation, the power to submit proposals, the power of administrative leadership, the power of economic management, the power of diplomatic administration, the power of social administration, and other powers granted by the NPC and its Standing Committee.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To implement the state’s diplomatic principles and policies and related laws and regulations; safeguard national sovereignty, security and interests on behalf of the state; run diplomatic affairs on behalf of the state and the government; and handle diplomatic activities between leaders of the CPC and the state with foreign leaders. To study overarching and strategic issues in international situation and international relations; analyze major issues concerning diplomatic work in such areas as politics, economy, culture and security; and advise the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on adopting diplomatic strategies, principles and policies.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To coordinate with relevant government departments according to the overall diplomatic planning, and report and give suggestions to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on major issues including foreign trade, economic cooperation and assistance, culture, military aid, arms trade, Chinese nationals abroad, education, science and technology, and public diplomacy. To draft laws, regulations and policy plans concerning diplomatic work.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To handle global and regional security, political, economic, human rights, social, refugee and other diplomatic affairs in the United Nations and other multilateral forums. To deal with matters in international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation; research international security issues; and organize negotiations on treaties and agreements related to arms control.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To conclude bilateral and multilateral treaties, handle international judicial cooperation, oversee or participate in dealing with major foreign-related legal cases that involve the state or the government, assist in examining foreign-related draft laws and regulations, and organize and coordinate the work of fulfilling international conventions and agreements. To lead or participate in efforts to formulate policies related to land and maritime boundaries; guide and coordinate foreign- related maritime work; organize the work of border delimitation, boundary demarcation and joint inspections, and handle relevant foreign-related cases; and conduct diplomatic negotiations on maritime delimitation and joint development.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To release information about important diplomatic activities, elaborate on foreign policies, conduct information-related work about important diplomatic activities, organize public diplomacy activities, and take charge of the affairs related to foreign journalists in China and resident foreign news agencies. To oversee the state’s foreign-related protocol and ceremonial affairs; oversee the protocol arrangements of important diplomatic activities of the state; and oversee the courteous reception, diplomatic privileges and immunities accorded to foreign diplomatic missions in China.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To oversee consular work. To regulate the activities of foreign diplomatic and consular missions in China; oversee work related to consular affairs of Chinese nationals abroad; conduct or participate in handling representations regarding foreign-related cases in China; oversee consular protection and assistance, coordinate relevant government departments, local authorities and guide Chinese diplomatic missions abroad in handling cases requiring consular protection and assistance, and release warning information for consular protection and assistance.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To coordinate efforts to handle urgent incidents abroad concerning Chinese interests, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens and institutions abroad, and take part in efforts to handle urgent incidents in China which involve foreigners. To handle, in accordance with law, diplomatic and consular affairs in Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, and handle foreign affairs related to Taiwan.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To guide and coordinate foreign affairs work of local government and State Council departments, examine important foreign affairs regulations of local government and State Council departments as well as the requests to the State Council for instructions concerning foreign affairs, and put forward recommendations together with relevant government departments on the handling of major incidents involving violations of laws and regulations governing foreign affairs. To handle and coordinate foreign affairs concerning national security. To provide interpretation for important diplomatic activities of the state and translation of diplomatic documents and correspondence.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Main Responsibilities To lead Chinese diplomatic missions abroad and the offices of Commissioners in Hong Kong and Macao; oversee the personnel and organizational work of diplomatic missions abroad; provide directions to Chinese diplomatic missions abroad and offices of Commissioners in Hong Kong and Macao on the use of information technology, financial management and premises construction; and regulate the use of real property by foreign diplomatic missions in China. To oversee the work of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and oversee the foreign affairs work of the Red Cross Society of China and China Soong Ching Ling Foundation. To perform other tasks given by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The General Office Policy Planning Department The Department of Asian Affairs The Department of West Asian and North African Affairs The Department of African Affairs The Department of European-Central Asian Affairs The Department of European Affairs
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs The Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs The Department of International Organizations and Conferences The Department of Arms Control The Department of Treaty and Law The Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Information Department The Protocol Department The Department of Consular Affairs (Centre for Consular Assistance and Protection) The Department of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs The Department of Translation and Interpretation The Department of Foreign Affairs Management
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Department of External Security Affairs The Department of Personnel The Bureau for Retired Personnel The Administrative Department The Department of Finance The Bureau of Achieves The Department of Supervision The Bureau for Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Policy Planning Main Functions: The Department of Policy Planning reports on issues of overall and strategic importance concerning the global situation and in international relations. It develops diplomatic policies and programs and is involved in the drafting of annual foreign assistance plan. It also drafts important documents and speeches, makes foreign policy pronouncements, and coordinates research and analytical work. It oversees the compilation of China's diplomatic history.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Asian Affairs Main functions: implements China's foreign policy and principles. It reports and works on China's bilateral relations with countries and regions concerned, manages diplomatic contacts with and makes representations to relevant countries and regions, oversees and coordinates policies on and cooperation and exchanges with relevant countries and regions and guides the operation of China's overseas diplomatic missions within its regional jurisdiction. It is responsible for translation and interpretation for important diplomatic functions, documents and instruments in relevant languages.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Arms Control Main functions: The Department of Arms Control reports on issues such as international arms control, disarmament, non-proliferation, export control and global and regional security. It organizes the development of relevant policies, works with other departments to manage related cases and organizes negotiations on relevant international treaties and agreements. It cooperates with other departments for compliance of international treaties and agreements. It also guides China's overseas diplomatic missions on relevant issues.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Treaty and Law Main functions: The Department of Treaty and Law reports on legal issues concerning foreign affairs and international law developments. It is responsible for concluding bilateral and multilateral treaties and conducting international judicial cooperation between China and other countries. It handles legal cases involving foreign country or party, coordinates the compliance of international treaties, and organizes the participation in diplomatic negotiations on climate change and environmental treaties.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Information Main functions: The Information Department is responsible for releasing information on China's major diplomatic events and stating China's foreign policy. It manages press coverage on major diplomatic events. It guides China's overseas diplomatic missions on information work and provides service to permanent offices of foreign media organizations and foreign journalists in China. It also covers public diplomacy and information collection and processing.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Boundary and Ocean Affairs Main functions: The Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs develops policies concerning land and maritime boundaries, guides and coordinates external work concerning oceans and seas, manages land boundary delimitation and demarcation and joint inspections with neighboring countries, handles external boundary matters and cases concerning territories, maps and place names, and engages in diplomatic negotiations on maritime delimitation and joint development.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Protocol Main functions: The Protocol Department is responsible for state protocol matters and ceremonial events. It organizes and coordinates protocol affairs for major state diplomatic functions and manages matters related to courteous reception and diplomatic privileges and immunities of foreign diplomatic missions and relevant personnel in China. It also develops protocol rules.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Translation and Interpretation Main functions: The Department of Translation and Interpretation is responsible for providing English and French translation of important state diplomatic documents and instruments and English and French interpretation service at important diplomatic functions. It offers professional training to high-level English and French translators and interpreters of the Ministry.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Administrative Department Main functions: The Administrative Department is responsible for the construction of overseas diplomatic missions and policy- related management of real estate of foreign diplomatic missions in China and bilateral matters concerning diplomatic premises. It is also responsible for construction project planning and fund allocation in the Ministry and its directly affiliated agencies. It manages real estate and relevant fixed assets of the Ministry and China's overseas diplomatic missions.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departmental archives and a base for permanent preservation of the diplomatic records accumulated since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Its main functions are: to collect and permanently manage records accumulated in the Ministry and its subordinate units; to guide and supervise the archival work of the departments and subordinate units of the Ministry, Chinese diplomatic and consular missions overseas and offices of the commissioners of the Foreign Ministry to the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions; to procure, select, distribute and manage diplomacy-related books, periodicals, newspapers and reference books for departments of the Ministry and overseas missions and provide access to them.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Personnel Main functions: The Department of Personnel is in charge of personnel management of the Ministry and China's overseas diplomatic missions. It appoints and removes senior officials at overseas missions and the Offices of the Commissioners of the MFA in the Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR. It is responsible for research on and improving personnel management regulations of overseas missions by working with other departments, and developing and guiding the implementation of educational and training plans for diplomatic personnel.
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Supervision Main functions: To supervise and inspect the organs of the Foreign Ministry and the units directly under the Ministry and civil servants in accordance with the Administrative Supervisory Law of the PRC. To inspect the observance and implementation of laws, regulations, Government decrees and orders by the organs of the Foreign Ministry and the units directly under the Ministry; To handle accusations and complaints of breaches of regulations lodged against the organs of the Foreign Ministry, the civil servants and other personnel appointed by these organs;
Part Five :The System of Administration 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Departments of Supervision To investigate and handle the breaches of regulations on the part of the organs of the Foreign Ministry, the civil servants and other personnel appointed by these organs; To handle the appeals filed by civil servants and other personnel appointed by the organs of the Foreign Ministry against the administrative disciplinary actions imposed on them by the competent organs and those appeals which should be dealt with by supervisory bodies as stipulated in laws and administrative regulations; Other duties that should be discharged by supervisory bodies as provided for by administrative regulations.
Part Five :The System of Administration 4. organization of local governments the local governments fall into four grades: Provincial government (of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government) Prefectural government (of cities divided into districts, autonomous prefectures, and the leagues.) County government(of autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts) Township government (of townships, towns, ethnic minority townships, ethnic minority towns)
Part Five :The System of Administration 4. organization of local governments the local governments fall into four grades: Provincial government (of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government) Prefectural government (of cities divided into districts, autonomous prefectures, and the leagues.) County government(of autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts) Township government (of townships, towns, ethnic minority townships, ethnic minority towns)
The end, Thank you!