Key Terms That you might not know
Chapter Anthropogenic- Human induced changes into the environment Idiographic- Pertaining to the unique facts or characteristics of a place Nomothetic- Concepts or rules that can be applied universally
Chapter 2 Breaking point- The point where the cities influence ends Expansion diffusion- The spread of ideas, inventions, fashion, etc. to other places Hierarchial diffusion- The diffusion to a place that is similar Isoline- a map line that connects points of equal/similar values
Chapter 3 Generation X- the generation after the baby boom Baby Boom- 1950
Chapter 4 Acculturation- The adoption of a different places culture Cultural Complex- The group of traits that define a culture Caste System- You should know this, if not, ask T for an explanation Custom- Practices followed by a group of people Diaspora- People who live in different places than their ethnicity Ecumene- The proportion of the earth inhabited by human Toponyms- names different cultures give to various features of the earth such as settlements, rivers, cities, mountains, and other land features.
When Languages Collide >When two people who speak diff. Languages meet, a new language called a pidgin may be created that contains characteristics of each language. –If a pidgin is spoken long enough, it becomes a permanent language called Creole > Lingua Franca- very simple language that combines aspects from 2 or more complex languages
Ethnicity Ethnicity and Race are 2 similar but different things: –Race- A group of people distinguished by physical traits (skin color, height, blood types) –Ethnicity- Same as race except that it also includes the idea that these people share a common social and cultural identity.
Chapter 5 Centrifugal forces- forces that divide a country Centripital forces- forces that bind a country together Antecendent boundaries- a boundary line established before it is populated Exclave- Territory that is part of a state but is sepparated, example Alaska Frontier- An area of weak shifting borders Gerrymandering- designation of voting districts for political gain Lebensraum- Living space for people Superimposed boundaries- boundaries drawn that ignore cultural boundries Subsquent boundries- drawn according to cultural boundries Supranational Organization- 3 or more states that promote shared objectives, IE the EU
Chapter 6 Agglomeration- Grouping together of many firms of the same industry Ancillary activites- economic activites that include shipping, distribution, and food survice Anthropocentric- human centered, said sustainable development is this Conglomerate corperation- a corperation that is composed of many smaller firms Deglomeration- Dispersal of a agglomated industry Footloose Firms- location affects cost
Chapter 7 Salination- The process where irrigation leaves salt causing land to be infertile Swidden- land prepared for agriculture by the slash-and-burn method Transhumance- the movements of livestock according to seasonal patterns
Chapter 8 Beuax arts- movement to marry older forms of architecture to newer forms, this causes the city beautiful movement Exurbanite- A person who moves from the inner city to a suburb Gentrification- The trend of middle-upper class Americans to move back into the middle of the city Squatter settlements- settlements that pop up around cities in areas of extreame poverty