EAccessibility in Europe: practice, policy and impact Funka Nu Accessibility Days, 13th April 2011 Jose Angel Martinez Usero Director of International.


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Presentation transcript:

eAccessibility in Europe: practice, policy and impact Funka Nu Accessibility Days, 13th April 2011 Jose Angel Martinez Usero Director of International Projects and Relations

Background and policy context Some relevant initiatives in the eAccessibility field The Study on Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe The Study on costs and benefits of eAccessibility Other related projects Contents

Main areas of interest e-Accessibilitye-Accessibility - make ICT accessible to all, meeting a wide spectrum of people's needs, in particular any special needs. AgeingAgeing - empower older people to fully participate in the economy and society, continue independent lifestyles and enhance their quality of life. e-Competencese-Competences - equip citizens with the knowledge, skills and lifelong learning approach needed to increase social inclusion, employability and enrich their lives. Socio-Cultural e-InclusionSocio-Cultural e-Inclusion - enable minorities, migrants and marginalised young people to fully integrate into communities and participate in society by using ICT. Inclusive eGovernmentInclusive eGovernment - deliver better, more diverse public services for all using ICT while encouraging increased public participation in democracy.

The context Policy frameworks European Disability strategy Digital Agenda UN Convention on RPD Standards/guidelines Mandate 376: Accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain Mandate 420: Accessibility requirements for public procurement in the Built Environment Mandate 473 to include Accessibility following DFA in relevant standardization activities WCAG 2.0 Regulation/legislation Report on the implementation of eAccessibility articles in EU directives

Some relevant initiatives Priorities WebDigital TV Emergency Services Self-service Terminals AT CIP Pilot - DTV4all X CIP Pilot - Reach112 X CIP Pilot - APSIS4all X TN – eAccess+XX TN - ATs -ETNA and ATIS4all X Study cost/benefitsXX X Study AT marketX The scope of running pilots, thematic networks and studies.

Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe

The 2006 Ministerial “Riga Declaration” on ICT for an inclusive information society highlights the need for facilitating the accessibility and usability of ICT products and services for all, with a special focus on people with disabilities. MeAC 1: MeAC 2: Background and policy context

Monitor the status and progress made in eAccessibility in a series of selected countries identifying the best practices. Draw up an annual report, which include comparisons by country and over time. Develop a tool for gathering the data. Establish a direct and regular relationship with the relevant actors in the field of eAccessibility Define, develop and apply a benchmarking framework for the monitoring and comparative analysis. Objectives

Scope Selection of countries, 12 EU and 3 Non-EU EU countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, France, Netherlands and Czech Republic. Non-EU countries: United States, Australia and Canada. Countries participating in a voluntary basis: Norway, Greece Period of analysis :

DEVICES/SERVICES TELEPHONY:Fixed Mobile Special telephones (text and videotelephone) Mobile Web INTERNET:Web COMPUTERS:Desktop Portable MEDIA:Analogue television Digital television HOMES:Digital homes Telecare URBAN ENVIRONMENT:ATMs Vending machines Virtual kiosks Digital information panels EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT:Electronic books Elearning platforms WORK ENVIRONMENT:Office technology - hardware Office technology - software ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES:Hardware Software Selection of technologies to be monitored

Analysis of national experts (30) 15 technology experts (technology questionnaire) 15 policy experts (policy questionnaire) Surveys to main stakeholders Consultation to associations of people with disabilities to get feedback on some specific issues. Workshops with experts Analysis of main results and feedback from decision makers. Research methods

Website Balance Scorecard Tool Search applications and download of raw data Annual Reports Report on the implementation of accessibility articles in Telecom Directives Report of interpretation and implementation of WCAG 2.0 in MS Main outcomes

Global eAccessibility status by country

Global eAccessibility policy by country

Technology status vs Policy implementation Correspondence between eAccessibility level and the degree of eAccessibility policy implementation in the countries analyzed

Example on WCAG 2.0 implementation Correlation among web accessibility enforcement level, deadline of WCAG 2.0 for public websites and accessibility level of public websites.

Sweden: Technology indicators Average technology indicators30,43 Telephony23,44 Internet12,38 Computing20,37 Television25,00 Home environment0,00 Urban environment34,17 Educational environment39,58 Assistive technologies85,57 Public procurement33,33

Visit us

Economic Assessment for Improving eAccessibility Services and Products

Study approach Desk research Questionnaires to relevant organisations 24 Case Studies Business Case Tool for ex ante evaluation in support of the decision to invest in Web accessibility Estimations and Extrapolations and national and EU level Recommendations

COSTS Extra costs for redesign Extra costs for design from scratch Extra costs of technical maintenance BENEFITS Social responsibility and image (Intangible, self assessment) Compliance with legislation (Intangible, self-assessment) External audience reach and sales (quantifiable / monetisable) Productivity (internal IT application) ( monetisable); Efficiency gains from servicing/interacting online with customers/suppliers (monetisable) More efficient recruitment process; Technical improvements (reduced site development and maintenance time; reduced server load) Preliminary results

Other EU initiatives ATIS4all: EU Thematic Network on Assistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions APSIS4all: EU Pilot on Accessible and Personalised Public Digital Terminals CLOUD4all: 7FP project on Cloud platforms for accessible Ict products. DREAM Marie Curie – under recruitment!

ATIS4all website

APSIS4all pilot

Thanks for your attention Jose Angel Martínez Usero