INF5761 Health Management Information Systems
What this course is about: HMIS 2 decision making (the use) statistics & aggregate data ( the evidence)
Multiple Perspectives on HMIS Organization Management HMIS Public Health Service Delivery Technology
Informatics + Health = INF5761 Health Information Systems require understanding of both domains Complementary skills [group work] Many problems with HIS around the world stem from only one domain being involved
Format of Course Sessions Plenary Sessions (3 hours) 2/3Presentations 1/3Discussions? Data Lab (2 hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Schedule Seminar week 9 Monday : HMIS IntroTuesday: District HMISWednesday: Data Collection Thursday: Data Processing Friday: ICT & HMIS Intro, info -Presentations -Schedule -readings -group work -lab -exam Challenges for HIS - common challenges - fragmentation - system approach -Low Resource - information culture - need for standardization -definitions -value of data -different uses, different systems What health information is needed? -Epidemiology -Planning Use of routine data in HS Program monitoring EPI info management Outreach Health Workers & HMIS focal persons - the backbone of public health -Performance -Motivation -Feedback Discussion theme: Profiling who does what in primary health around the world? interoperable architecture: integration Different technologies Paper, computers, mobiles -Data warehouse -Data Sharing What is HIS? -Status around the world -Rational Evidence- based M&E -Global trends & pressure MDG -Different systems The district-based HMIS -why district? -the role of the district in decision making -information needs -HR for HIS at districts a typical district example. The Information cycle Data collection -data sources -population/ intutitional -information flows -Data needs at different levels Information cycle Data processing -From data to information -indicators Minimal data set Information flow Mobile health -Infrastructure -Power -Network -Low-end -Name based, aggregate data The problem of Pilots -Donor attention span -maintenance -Sustain -Scale Health System around the world -Community -District -National -Many Ministries -Global (MDGs) -Vertical/Horizontal -Social indicators Discussion theme: Role of HIS in your nations health system? Discussion Theme: Why are HIS so fragmented? Donor Health Programs Incentives Data quality -why errors -”burden of data collection” -Data audit -Timeliness & 3Cs -duplication -Coverage -Treatment outcome -Target perversion Discussions Data analysis -goals, targets -monitoring and evaluation Geographical Information Systems Demo: GIS Discussions
Schedule Seminar week 13 Monday: Data Presentation & Use Tuesday: Strengthening HISWednesday: Global HMIS Thursday: HISP, way forward Friday: Presentations Data interpretation - what does the data mean - adjusting for data quality - revising informaiton needs -multiple rationalities -Technology -Primary health -Health workers -Management -Development of HISSeminar ”debate” Evidence based decision making HIS Policy & Politics Policies for HIS -rules, -regulations -security -examples Data regulations Coverage politics Discussions What does the P stand for in HISP? Piloting, user involvement Capacity Building User training, Handholding Local champions Researcher involvement/bias Interventionist agendas Presentation, group work, discussions Data Presentation / visualize -tables -different charts -maps -pros and cons Information products -reports, reviews, league tables, bulletins -feedback -strengths, weaknesses Development: examplesNational & Global Policy -Cloud computing -Patient data -Central registration of name based data -Central storage of data on ethnic groups, -HIS ethics -Global vs Local Discussions Future of HIS -Technologies -Uneven development -dilemmas: personalization of data, security discussion Presentation Information Use -how to use -what for -examples Discussion Theme: National HIS development – never from scratch – often starts with the districts Country Example: Norway Summary, Q/APresentation
Curriculum Reading material as PDFs on the course webcourse web Key concepts are highlighted in lecture slides Slides will be put on web as well Handouts?
Lab Training in use of DHIS2, for group work First week Exercises related to DHIS2 Using mainly the first hour of lab sessions Free for group work rest of the time, but someone will be present to assist
Group Assignment Assignment Will be presented during lab on Wednesday first week Four students per group Group composition: Informatics / medicine ratio? statistics? DHIS2? Analysis of data from Sierra Leone using DHIS2 & Pivot Tables Topics to be covered include data quality, assessment of health status and indicators, setting goals and targets and discussing possible M&E strategies and health interventions Group presentation at end of course: – Not all need to present, but all have to contribute their fair share – Followed by plenary discussion
Exam Group work needs to be accepted/passed Exam Form: Home assignment Handed out after course end in March Approx 2 months to complete?! Individual Builds on lectures and readings Builds on group assignment during course Similar analysis, but more informed by literature