Universities and Local Partnership Collaboration in Innovation URBACT RUnUP Annual Conference 9 th December 2010
Enterprise Campus Roger Candy Business Partnerships Manager Research, Business & Innovation Northumbria University
Northumbria University A modern, vocational university incorporated in > 34,000 students. Enterprise start up support since In 2009/10 >2,000 students studied enterprise. Since new enterprises have been supported to sustainable trading.
Enterprise Support At any time 20 – 30 student or graduate enterprises under support. The process is resource lean. It is mainly advisory. As far as possible we like enterprises to move off campus and into the Tyneside business community quickly. Accessible initial business accommodation is critical.
Partnership in Practice Over the past 3 years Northumbria University, has partnered the Council in a number of initiatives to support the local economy through the establishment of knowledge centred enterprises in Gateshead. These developments indicate possible longer term collaborative strategies between the University and the Council. The aim is to maximise both access to graduate level enterprise education and enterprise support within Gateshead.
Collaboration Graduates into Gateshead – Enterprise Start Up Support Collaboration in Advanced Learning Collaboration in Support for Local Enterprise
Graduates into Gateshead Since 2005 the University has been encouraging graduate start up businesses to locate in Gateshead, initially at preferential rents offered by the Council. There are presently 4 companies located in the GIBC who chose to do so (UKC Design, Invate Ltd, Gospelware, City Base Lettings Ltd). These now employ around 20 staff between them.
UKC Design
Graduates into Gateshead In November 2008 the Council created the Graduates into Gateshead scheme giving Northumbria University the opportunity to offer graduate start-up businesses access to free office accommodation in Greenesfield BC. 9 companies have benefited from this provision so far, 4 have gone on to rent accommodation within Council business centres.
Graduates into Gateshead The University manages the companies progress through their tenancies – which are up to a maximum of one year. Companies are then encouraged to subsequently locate in Gateshead.
Examples of Companies Orange Panda (now trading as Kuro Dragon) New Age Studios Divided Media Edot 3 Student Decks I Am Sold City Base Lettings Gospelware
Fresh Soap Deli
Collaboration in Advanced Learning During 2010 five teams from the MSc/MA Multi-Disciplinary Design Innovation programme have worked to provide strategic business planning support for small enterprises and other organisations in Gateshead.
Collaboration in Support for Local Enterprise In May 2010 places were made available to enable creative sector entrepreneurs in the Shed centre on Gateshead High Street to study towards the Universitys Professional Award in Enterprise. This is a certificated short course which enables new entrepreneurs to develop skills and understandings.
A Model for Partnership Partnership Dynamic Elaborating the Partnership Enterprise and Location
Partnership Dynamic The basic dynamic of the partnership is the provision of accommodation by local authorities in return for the direction of graduate businesses into the local authority area.
Elaborating the Partnership In addition to the basic dynamic of exchange in the partnership, the University can also offer broader one way support, in particular in relation to certificated and other training to community based businesses within the local authority area. The aim here is the broader support for the regeneration of the sub regional economy.
Enterprise and Location The University has the enterprise generation capacity to establish and drive forward cultural districts and quarters as part of urban regeneration. It is important to ensure that this aspect is central to decisions made in business location. Again the aim is support for the regeneration of the sub regional economy.
A Model for Partnership This is a model of University/Government / Industry collaboration that offers the possibility to grow collaboration from the bottom up. It does not require complex organisational frameworks or agreements between parties. It generally avoids the need for special additional funding.