Role of Universities in Urban Poles Barakaldo Inguralde Development Agency 12 May 2011
Starting Barakaldo was in an internal reflexion process, Barakaldo and innovation. Promote innovation in the economic activities in the city and an innovative city image. Promote new spaces for the creation of new economic actions. Run Up URBACT II project: Strategic sectors Creation of triple helix partnership. Talent attraction strategies. Local action plan. Share experiences with other cities in Europe. Launch meeting with ULSG members.
Analysis of Barakaldo actual situation Inguralde entrusted a study of the strategic sectors in Barakaldo ( demography information, geography area of Barakaldo, economy analysis, weaknesses and strengths, opportunities.. ). ULSG members discuss the results of the study and made a reflexive analysis. ULSG members made contributions and commentaries. Conclusions: ULSG members need to know the experiences in other countries. Barakaldo need to made a study in identification of emergent strategic sectors. Dr Clive Winters, RUnUP Lead Expert, explains to the ULSG members the triple helix relationship explaining Coventry university model, based in innovation, talent attraction and triple helix relationship.
Identification of the strategic sectors and definition of action plan Sarriko, faculty of business administration and financial accounts of the Basque country university, made the study of the emergent strategic sectors in Barakaldo. The results of the study were discussed in a ULSG meeting. Actions were proposed to develop these sectors in Barakaldo. The actions proposed were the result of the collaboration of enterprises, universities and Inguralde.
Definition of the action plan The actions proposed were integrated in the strategic lines that formed the action plan. Strategic lines: Strategic sectors to de economy development. Retention and attraction of the talent strategies. Management models of the enterprises infrastructures. New entrepreneurs and consolidated enterprises relationship. New technologies applied to the SMES. All the actions proposed were defined with: an approach plan. a developing period definition. sources of income possibilities. responsible ULSG members on action making. ULSG members have done an action development calendar.
ULSG action development ACTIONSDEVELOPMENT 1.1. Analysis of opportunities in the Social and health sector in Barakaldo. Finished 1.2. Analysis of opportunities in the Renewable Energy sector in Barakaldo. Finished 1.3. Analysis of opportunities for providing local services for Megapark. 2 meetings with Ikea-Leroy-Inguralde Collaboration in developing training programmes 1) Analysis of needs; 2) Training Plan Design; 3) Implementation: 3/6 actions done (to be finished in November) Design of a business centre model 1) Identification of spaces; 2) Definition of use for the Minas building Study for a business park model Contacts with Institutions for the «Burceña» space (Sprilur, Biobasque, Aclima, BioCruces, Hospital de Cruces, UPV) Business synergies Constitution of the Forum of Innovative Companies, including 12 companies and more than employments. This Forum has celebrated more than 10 meetings and it will become formally an Association of Innovative Companies with legar status Communication and local image 1) Once the strategic lines have been defined together with the Bilbao Metropoli 30 Association, the corporate image and its implications are been worked with the Town Council. 2) 3rd edition of the «Barakaldo Innovative Companies» prizes. 38 companies submitted proposals and 3 were awarded. The ceremony will be on 13/05/ Encouraging the use of new technology 1) Training Schools has started and the training actions for companies have been defined. 2) The School has developed an application for strategic surveillance and a communication platform based on the social networks model in order to make the training operative.