Campobasso The Added – Value of Being Involved in an URBACT Project Giuliana Carano, Mariella di Muzio 12 May 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Campobasso The Added – Value of Being Involved in an URBACT Project Giuliana Carano, Mariella di Muzio 12 May 2011

RUnUP in 2008 Open problems in Campobasso Low number of enterprises in the city territory Low access to Infrastructure and services for SMEs Shops and services left the city downtown area (middleage)

Expectations from RUnUP Re-centre University role in the local development process (looking for best practice exchanges) Discuss and compare with RUnUP partners about Local Action Plan creation, implementation, efficiency monitoring

RUnUP added value Local level: the creation of the ULSG in Campobasso, created for the first time a networking experience and is now accepted as permanent table Local level: the confrontation between Triple Helix main actors leaded the understanding and the critical complexity of economic development

RUnUP added value Local level: empowerment of Municipality role in economic development Local level increase of collaboration between ULSG members, bringing results like the redevelopment of the downtown area Transnational level: discuss and compare with RUnUP partners about Local Action Plan creation, implementation, efficiency monitoring Transnational level; benchmarking of Triple Helix processes though study visits