Gender analysis of political parties of the Kyrgyz Republic National Round Table «Women and public administration: political participation and leadership of women»
Possibilities of political transformation of gender power hierarchies In researches in the countries of the West, devoted to political participation of women in legislative bodies there is a commonplace statement that a proportional system in comparison with the majority system creates more opportunities for women. However this axiom of gender policy stipulates for existence of certain factors, such as developed women’s movement, a system of positive discrimination during forming of party lists, aligned and equal system for conducting elections, regulation of the order of coverage of elections in mass media, etc.
Possibilities of political transformation of gender power hierarchies No-gender or “Gender-neutral” approach in political representation is a part of socio- political processes, stipulating for the increase of discriminatory sex-based practices, decrease of socio-economic status of women Gender pyramid of power in every society is reproduces by values of the society, by the process of socialization, system of “gender- neutral law” and is institutionalized by the law and by the state
Possibilities of political transformation of gender power hierarchies For destroying these gender pyramids there are the following political and legal means: measures of positive discrimination in the actual electoral legislation of the KR, a Decree of the President of KR on promotion of women into executive branch of power. The key barrier on the way of women of Kyrgyzstan in the sphere of political appointments is not the form of election system, but the system of the government (the system of ruling the State), in which practically all appointments to high positions depend on the President and his environment. The logic of appointments in here can never be gender-weighted and rational as a whole.
Possibilities of political transformation of gender power hierarchies Deployment of initiatives on promotion f women into power on the level of party mechanisms seems to be preferable based on the world experience; it is necessary to adopt recommendation principles in this sphere on attraction of women into parties. The State, thus, must provide targeted support to those parties, which follow these principles.
Development of legislation in promotion of gender equality Development of legislation of various countries of the world in the sphere of gender equality and women’s political leadership promotion demonstrates availability of minimum two types of instruments for enhancing women’s political participation. On the one hand it is the development of procedures, focused on prohibition of discrimination based on sex and elimination of impediments for equality, on the other hand - introduction of positive (affirmative) measures, giving certain advantages and incentives to women in various spheres, including the sphere of political participation.
Study of the gender analysis of the political parties of the Kyrgyz Republic (carried out by experts Akmatova Ch. And Nazarkulova E.) Goal of the study: Examination of gender approaches in administration, internal structure of political parties of Kyrgyzstan, as well as identification of gender focus/orientation of the main program documents of the party.
Objectives Produce an analysis of the national legislative base, regulating issues of providing for gender equality in the system of political parties of Kyrgyzstan; Carry out analysis of documents of political parties (Program, Charter and other internal documents) Study the procedures and specificities for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in political parties of KR (interviews, focus-groups) Identify availability/lack of gender balance among the administrators/managers and rank-and-file members of a party Develop recommendations on ensuring gender equality in political sphere
Subject of the study Attitude of party members to women’s political leadership and statement on the issue of necessity to adopt measures for promotion of women into the administration of a party and the country Forms of activeness and place of women in parties (in pre-election run), The most successful strategies for reduction of gender inequality inside parties Focus in the party propaganda (advocacy) on the role of women in a family, society and the State
Random aggregation of results of the survey 12 political parties directly participated in the pre-election run. The following methods of study/survey were used: focus group discussions, examination of documents, structured interview. Women-candidates, working in the administrative bodies of the parties, such as Political council members and heads of small party groups participated in work of focus groups. 1-2 representative were taken from each of the 12 parties into the sample for focus group discussions; total 12 respondents participated within the frameworks of discussions, and interviews with 30 party members were carried out.
Difficulties of the survey/study Limited access to participation: some parties rejected from participation in the study/survey (due to “we have no problems” motivation) Concerns on behalf of the parties in possible provocations Limited time of party members in the period of elections and lack of structured data base on operational parties
Political context of 2007 End of the era of mono-sex Parliament Adoption of the new edition of the Elections Code. Introduction of the new proportional elections system Introduction of special measures for support of women, the youth and ethnic minorities
Parliament composition (in the recent 3 conventions) Years Number Thereof women (total number of deputies, people) in absolute figures and in %) deputies (4,7%) deputies (6,8%) deputies (0%)
Gender structure of political parties party total thereof Political women в % members women Council in p.council. Aalam 22 40% Ak-Jol over Data n/a 35 Data n/a Asaba % Atameken % Around 40 Data n/a Arnamys % Glas naroda % PCK % Turan % ERK % ERk-K %
Pre-election situation 13 political parties, headed by women 1 of them – the Novaya Sila participated in pre-election run, but did not manage to overcome 5% barrier Heads except for rare exception were not able to give data on the number of members, proportion of women, men, gender structure of the higher bodies of administration
Correlation of women and men in the lists of candidates running to the Parliament (in %)
Selection criteria Professionalism and experience in administrative work Experience of work in a party and services provided to the party Famous individual or famous in one particular region Ability to mobilize people and win the greatest number of votes Representatives of ethnic minorities Availability of financial resources
Examination of party documents None of the parties: has a formulated policy None of the parties has a formulated policy for the achievement of gender equality Uses gender approached in its activities Party documents have no program component, focused on work with women In the cases where the gender-related components are available, then it is an inclination towards all family related issues, i.e. consideration of women’s interests through a prism of a family.
Conclusion Due to the fact that the space of political parties has not yet been finally formed in Kyrgyzstan, very few even inside the parties clearly understand programmic differences and adherence of a party either to the left or to the right or to the central blocks. At the present time nomination of a candidate by/from a party to run for Presidency is no more than finding a convenient channel for promotion into power. Political parties can be and already are a decisive instrument for building up a parity democracy in KR; however further detailed work on integration of gender training in the process of party building up and expansion of practices of gender – focused actions of the State is necessary for changing the gender regime inside parties and values of party leaders. It is extremely important to start this process namely now, so that development of party system would include gender approaches and principles.