Political Parties
Vince Lombardi “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”
What is a Political Party An organization that try to win control of government by electing people to public office who carry out the party label. Party has a common principles Party has common public policy positions The Party focus is not issue oriented, rather their focus is election oriented.
Who are the Major Parties? In the United States, Republican (GOP) and Democratic parties. Pres. Obama (Dem) Pres. Bush (Rep)
What do Parties do? Development of broad policy and leadership choices. Link between people and their govt. Work as Power Brokers
What do Parties Do? 1. Nominate Candidates 2. Inform the people, and inspire and activate their interest and participation in public affairs 3. Act as a “bonding agent” – Ensure good performance of its candidates & its office holders – Good qualified and of good character – Prompt candidates to perform well in office
What do Parties Do? 4. Government in the U.S. is government by party. – Congress & State Leg. are organized on party lines – Create Partnerships 5. Act as a Watchdog – The party out of power criticizes the policies and behavior of the party in power. – Convince people to vote out the current party.
Homework Why do you think the party out of power serves as an important function in American government. Explain the function. Minimum of 2 Paragraphs (10 points)