Governing Bodies Association AGM 24 April 2015
Chairman’s Report GBA Priorities Modus Operandi GBA Director Opportunities ahead…
GBA Governing Bodies Association
GBAssociation Established 1940’s, 50...One third of all Post Primary School Children To ‘foster & develop close working relationships among VG’s and other Ed Bodies’ Advance interests & well being of VG’s Resource for the Governing Bodies – Much in common but distinct size doesn’t fit all
Common Characteristics Owned by doc’s or deeds of trust expressing promote & protect Run By Boards of Governors Trustee members comprise the largest group Recurring and Capital Funding comes direct from Dept of Education Employ ALL members of staff...recruit, deploy materials, equipment, insurance etc…
Abbey Grammar. Aquinas Grammar Belfast, Assumption Grammar Ballynahinch Ballymena Academy, Bangor Grammar, Belfast High School, Belfast Royal Academy Campbell College, Christian Brothers' Grammar School, Omagh, Coleraine Academical Institution, Dalriada School, Dominican College Belfast, Dominican College Portstewart, Foyle & Londonderry College, Friends' School Lisburn, Hunterhouse College, Larne Grammar School, Loreto College Grammar School Coleraine, Loreto Grammar School Omagh, Lumen Christi College, Methodist College Belfast, Mount Lourdes Enniskillen, Our Lady and St Patricks, Knock, Our Lady's Grammar School, Newry, Portora Royal School, Rainey Endowed School, Rathmore Grammar, Royal Belfast Academical Institution, Royal School Armagh, Royal School Dungannon, Sacred Heart Grammar School Newry, St. Colman's College, St. Columb's College, St. Dominic's Belfast, St. Joseph's Grammar School, Dungannon, St. Louis Grammar School Ballymena, St. Louis, Kilkeel, St. Malachy's College, St. Mary's CBGS Belfast, St. Mary's Grammar School, Magherafelt, St. Michael's College, Enniskillen, St. Michael's Grammar School, St. Patrick's Dungannon, St. Patrick's Grammar Armagh, St. Patrick's Grammar School, Downpatrick, Strathearn School, Sullivan Upper School, Thornhill College, Victoria College Belfast, Wallace High School
Management of GBA Executive Nominated/Elected by VG Schools – 12 school governors Max 6,Co-opted members to supplement skill set Eg QC Brett Lockhart, Prof R. Hutchinson 1 Chairperson, 2 Vice-Chairs, 1 Treasurer P/T Director
Executive Members Mary Lou WinchborneDalriada John MacCrossanThornhill John AdrainBangor Grammar Dr Bryan GregoryVictoria Sir Gerry LoughranSt Malachy’s Ian NoadStrathearn Eimer ClelandOur Lady’s Grammar Maeve TonerOur Lady and St Patrick’s Sheila CreaAssumption Grammar Stephen GowdyBelfast Academical Institution Brett LockhartMethodist College, Belfast John StuartSt Louis, Ballymena Ronnie HassardCampbell College Jacqueline Weir Belfast Royal Academy Prof HutchinsonDalriada Carol McCannSt. Dominics Scott NaismithMethodist College, Belfast John YoungCampbell College
Priorities Legislative Changes : Education Bill 2015 – Voluntary principle Teachers’ Negotiating Committee – Sub-Committees
Priorities Exam Changes Consultation Documents Transport to School Area Based Plans Amalgamations Governor Appointments International League Tables
Priorities 2014/15 + Exam ChangesS Naismith Consultation DocumentsN O’Neill/ Prof R Hutchinson Transport to SchoolJ Stuart Area Based PlansJ Mac Crossan AmalgamationsN O Neill/ various Gov ApptmtsG Loughran International League TablesC. Mc Cann
Looking Ahead Education AuthorityB Lockhart/G Loughran – Bedding in/Op issues/Delivering planned admin savings School Financing – Restructuring/Redundancies/Redeployment – Pupil- staff ratios…Entitlement Framework – Staffing/development/skills training Area Local Planning,BD/DMc G/JMac - school amalgamations, re-locations and restructuring Shared EducationI Noad TransportJ Stuart
Modus Operandi Voluntary Professional Support – Legal Advice Eg B.Lockhart, S.Gowdy – Sponsorship of Priorities Eg J.Stuart, S.Naismith – Membership of Bodies Eg LRA, Court of Ulster: MLW, RTU: Dr E.Dermot – Queens Ed Employers Stakeholders: S.Naithsmith Representation of VG’s interests Eg:- – SEELB ‘AP : D. Mc Govern – WELB’AP : J.Mac Crossan, – TNC: J.Stevenson, G. Adams & N.O’Neill
Modus Operandi Specialist Advice – Legal....B.Lockhart, S. Gowdy – Political Lobbying.. Sir GLoughran – Educational Sector Head T’s : SN, C Mc C, JS, RH…DM F/HE :Prof RH General Business Experience..Various Exec – Bank Mgmt, Strategic Business Skills, NGO’s Accountancy, SME’s etc etc
Work Streams for our Director Internal – Response to all school queries – Communication/Website Publications – Mgmt of Accounts, Co- ordination of levy etc – Preparation of all materials for Meetings – Development & Dissemination of position papers, questionnaire, surveys & follow-up – Interaction with GBA nominated Reps...TNC’s, LRA, ABP etc External – First point of contact for all queries, media, politicians, interest groups – GBA Rep on TNC’s – Lobbying Minister of Ed Education Committee Political parties Education Spokespeople
Issues Scale/scope of current role – Diverse range of activities...administrative to strategic Increasing workload – Amalgamations, new campuses..interim Boards – Educational initiatives – School Budgets in Decline
Options…… Increase Subscriptions Eg To Fund additional resource Rationalisation of Subs already undertaken Schools struggling as budgets decrease in real terms
Options.. Optimise Exec Invite specific skills through nomination process Encourage Full Attendance Leverage Exec as advocates/delegates Develop regional satellite model
Options.. Further leverage of the willing and talented – Eg.TNC’s Appointment of another HT to work alongside JS. providing knowledge and experience and continuity. Freeing Director, to focus on other priorities..
Options Selective use of temporary resources under supervision, to address specific research needs… – Eg Intern to undertake analysis of PISA performance tables
Options Increased Collaboration with related organisations including eg – Bursars Association – Controlled Grammars – Catholic Heads Association – Independent Schools Council – Etc..
Leverage the Association 50 Independent Operating Units the whole is greater than the sum of the parts Explore Economies of Scale Opt-in basis Eg Procurement Oil Electricity Materials
Election of New Members -John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher, Portora, Chairman Board of Governors -Eimer Cleland, Our Lady’s Grammar School Board of Governors -Stephen Black, Ballymena Academy -John MacCrossan, Thornhill Grammar School, Chairman Board of Governors -Ronnie Hassard, Campbell College Board of Governors