The Nelson Mandela Bay Consultation of Christian Churches (NMBCCC) launched this initiative Prof Pretorius were asked to facilitate the process Faith-based organizations, civil society structures, community leaders, business, education, political and local government stakeholders were invited to join as partners Four well-attended meetings were held during 2014 A substantial amount of input was generated by participants This Action Plan is the culmination of that input BACKGROUND AND ANSWER TO THE QUESTION: “WHO ARE WE?”
The common cause is to activate greater self-reliance and resilience among local communities and to overcome over-dependency on local government and political leaders / parties The mission of the NMBCCC: Churches / Faith-based organizations to take the lead to: communities to become more self-reliant and to mobilize other sectors to become more responsible The goal / vision is a society in which the inactive sectors of society are alert and responsive to their societal responsibility and communities are pro-active and takes responsibility to build their communities so that people can enjoy a better / good quality of life … A City in which everyone are responsible for making it a better place for everyone WHAT IS THE COMMON CAUSE, MISSION, GOAL OR VISION?
Inclusivity Co-ResponsibilityDignity Accountability Christian values Quality of life for all Respect Integrity Progress WHAT ARE OUR SHARED VALUES AND PRINCIPLES? The following were selected in order to complement the cause, mission and vision:
Faith-Based organizations Community-based organizations Organized Business Organized School Governing Bodies Development expertise Politicians and government officials Any agency already busy with a good initiative that complements the above vision WHO ARE THE PARTNERS IN PURSUIT OF THE CAUSE?
Open to all; no one is excluded. However, it is was formed by the NMBCCC with the intention of mobilizing communities for their own benefit, to activate dormant / inactive sectors of society and to overcome dependence on and over- burdening of the state An independent entity that does not serve or promote any party political agenda; it is neither for or against any political party or organization; its agenda is not political but explicitly developmental Nt a platform for politicians, political parties or government officials to promote political agendas. Politicians and officials are welcome to participate, share and engage. It is believed that the presence of politicians and officials will add to the openness / transparency of the forum and will also serve the cause by promoting better understanding and collaboration across all sectors A space to engage on an equal basis. Rules of engagement include that no person is allowed to dominate or monopolize the discussion THE RELATIONSHIP OF NMBCCC WITH POLITICIANS, POLITICAL PARTIES AND GOVERNMENT
Crisis of families Failure of schools Employability / Unemployment Low household income Dependency CONCRETE PROBLEMS THAT REQUIRE SOLUTIONS
Develop a coherent plan to get the above partners involved in supporting families to, in particular, enable them to be more supportive of their children’s school careers. Support teachers and learners in order to enhance employability, employment, increased household income that would reduce dependency It is believed that the emphasis must fall on the school as the nexus of the solution to community development. It is vital that the NMBCCC and its members through its actions will not interfere in the work of officials and others functionaries but instead seek to make constructive contributions that will be to the benefit of all THIS CONCLUSION IS THAT THE NMBCCC SHOULD:
What are the concrete actions that will address the problem(s) and which of these actions are for the Short, Medium and Long Term? ACTIONS
Get organized. Form a task team This was done. First meeting on 15 Jan Identify a pilot area(s). possibly 2 areas: 1 in Townships and 1 in Northern Areas Areas of focus. As described above Proposed sites: the following schools and their surrounding communities have been identified as possible pilot areas: KwaZakhele High School, Newell High, and Kwamagxaki High School, and two schools in the Northern Areas [to be identified as possible options] Start with “low hanging fruit”; work to support existing actions; will be determined once site was selected Action Team will undertake a visit to schools on day of opening Interim Organizational Structures: Who will take the lead? What will they do? What organization is required? Resources? Who and how do we communicate and encourage people to participate? SHORT TERM
Roll-out of a programme involving multiple communities to build capacity at community level for greater self-reliance. Focus on the ‘community school’ Implement a generic process Identify authentic local leadership Demarcate and define community. Work within Ward system but focus on smaller units Identify the school that will serve as community centre Gather socio-economic information about the area Agree on problems / unmet basic needs / priorities / actions that communities / sectors can take responsibility Work out actions plans per issue. Appoint and train people as project coordinators. Access or mobilize resources and assets Draft and Action Plan Take Action Monitor, measure and evaluate MEDIUM:
Action in priority communities: Substantial Progress on an agreed set of indicators New Social Compact by Mid 2015 consisting of different roles and responsibilities. Local communities capable to be more effective in addressing local needs LONG-TERM