Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacture Learning outcomes: To work effectively, independently and in small groups. To understand the importance of personal organisation. To understand the importance of PCB’s. To recognise different components. To understand what resistors do. To understand how to “populate” a PCB correctly. To understand the importance of “getting it right first time” when soldering to save time and resources later. Homework: Select and complete the sheet “Resistor Colour Code” and colour in the “resistor colour wheel”. Due in: © George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010
Use the alphabet code to solve the secret message A = 1F = 6K = 11P = 16U = 21Z = 26 B = 2G = 7L = 12Q = 17V = 22 C = 3H = 8M = 13R = 18W= 23 D = 4I = 9N = 14S = 19X = 24 E = 5J = 10O = 15T = 20Y = 25 M u c h of t h e t e c h n o l o g y t h a t s u r r o u n d s u s i s c o n t r o l l e d b y e l e c t r o n i c c o n t r o l s y s t e m s © George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010
Spot the difference - Answers How many did you get? Wire link Broken tracks – too much heat Solder bridge Dry Joint Short circuit © George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010