For the project to be effective, all ASCA member agencies must be trained and committed to entering PBMS data each month. Participation
1.Promotes performance accountability and enhanced decision-making capability in your own agency and in the profession nationwide; 2.Produces accurate, consistent, and relevant national reporting of correctional performance; 3.Allows access to performance data from all member agencies; (Best Practices.)
4.Promotes fair and healthy comparisons with other departments of corrections; 5.Allows study of trends within your own DOC and among other DOC’s. 6.Allow us to define ourselves and clear up myths/misperceptions about corrections.
1.Enter all required Agency Characteristics 2.Enter all required Facility Characteristics 3.Enter 24 of 48 key agency indicators, with one or more in Public Safety, Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Justice, Academic Education, and Health Care 4.Enter 28 of 56 Facility indicators, with one or more in Public Safety, Institutional Safety, Justice, and Health Care.
Communicate PBMS as a top priority to all divisions in your agency – administrative, operational, programs, MIS, planning and research etc. Identify a PBMS champion in your agency to oversee inputting, retrieval, and maintenance of data in the system. Review and revise agency policies, procedures, and measures to conform with PBMS counting rules (most difficult and time consuming). Allocate sufficient time for staff to participate in PBMS in addition to their other duties.
Monitor participation – are institutional and agency-level data inputted on a timely basis? Are data accurate? (Dashboard being developed.) Generate reports to compare your Agency with other agencies. Participate in the Performance Measures Committee and Sub-committee meetings. Provide feedback to the Performance Measures Committee’s requests for input regarding standards and key indicators. Put in policy and ”institutionalize” your agency’s participation in PBMS.
Enter monthly data for one or more of the four types of data: 1.Agency characteristics, 2.Facility characteristics, 3.Agency key indicators, & 4.Facility key indicators.
Agencies are trained… but working through roadblocks.