1 Point Perspective A packet designed to help you create your name in one point perspective
Step 1: Draw your horizon line.
Step 2: Add your vanishing point Step 2: Add your vanishing point. You may place it in the center or anywhere along the horizon line.
Step 3: Add your guidelines for your name Step 3: Add your guidelines for your name. You may draw your guide lines above or below your horizon line.
Step 4: Draw your name in capital block letters within the guidelines Step 4: Draw your name in capital block letters within the guidelines. Space your letters evenly across your paper. ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. NO CURVES.
Step 4: Erase unused guidelines.
Step 5: Draw each corner (inside and outside) to the vanishing point Step 5: Draw each corner (inside and outside) to the vanishing point. Only take the inside and outside corners that do not overlap the letter to the vanishing point. These lines are called Orthangonals. Draw these lines very lightly! You will erase these when you are finished!
Step 6: Draw the sides of the letters with horizontal and vertical lines.
Step 7: Erase the unused lines to the vanishing point.
Step 8: Erase the unused guidelines. Color name in with Complementary colors. Opposite colors on the color wheel.