“But a withered little apple-John” facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes James Madison Logout James Madison “A crisis had arrived which was to decide whether the American experiment was to be a blessing to the world, or to blast for ever the hopes which the republican cause had inspired” Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of James (7) James Madison “A man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.“ November 9, 1791 Send James a message Poke message Information Elbridge Gerry to James Madison “Congrats on being elected the 4th President of the United States! I’m honored to be your Vice President!” March 7, 1789 Networks: Virginia Birthday: March 16, 1751 Political: Democratic-Republican Religion: Deism Hometown: Montpelier, Virginia “But a withered little apple-John” -George Washington James Madison “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.” July 6, 1783 Robert Smith to James Madison “Happy Birthday James!” March 16, 1781 Friends James Madison “Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.” March 23, 1775 George Clinton Elbridge Gerry Thomas Jefferson James Madison “War contains so much folly, as well as wickedness, that much is to be hoped from the progress of reason.” September 7, 1774 James Monroe Robert Smith John Marshall
facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes James Madison Logout James Madison “A crisis had arrived which was to decide whether the American experiment was to be a blessing to the world, or to blast for ever the hopes which the republican cause had inspired” Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Virginia Sex: Male Birthday: March 16, 1751 Hometown: Montpelier, Virginia Relationship Status: Married to Dolley Todd Political Views: Democratic-Republican Religious Views: Deism View photos of James (7) "The advice nearest to my heart and deepest in my convictions is that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated." Send James a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: 4th President of the United States, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Delegate to the Congress of Confederation, 5th United States Secretary Of Sate. Interests: Studying Politics, reading, riding, playing chess Favorite Music: Plantation gospel Favorite Books: Advice to our Country Favorite Quotations: “Give me liberty, or Give me death.” About Me: Father of the Constitution, the work of many heads and many hands Information Networks: Virginia Birthday: March 16, 1751 Political: Democratic-Republican Religion: Deism Hometown: Montpelier, Virginia Education and Work Education College: Princeton University High School: Local Schools Work Employer: United States Of America Position: 4th President Time Period: 1809-1817 Location: Washington DC Photos 2 Albums Younger Me Updated last week Contact Information James Madison University Updated two months ago Address: Montpellier Plantation, Virginia
facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes James Madison Logout James Madison “A crisis had arrived which was to decide whether the American experiment was to be a blessing to the world, or to blast for ever the hopes which the republican cause had inspired” Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of James 7 Photos James’ Albums 2 Photo Albums 7 photos Younger Me James Madison University 3 photos 1 photo Profile Pictures
facebook Wall Photos Flair Videos James Madison Logout James Madison “A crisis had arrived which was to decide whether the American experiment was to be a blessing to the world, or to blast for ever the hopes which the republican cause had inspired” Wall Info Photos Videos Videos of James 1 Videos