AKM 2.0 / ALM 2.0 Radionice AKM11, Pore č
SLAINTE image of the moment Sharing infrastructure with Flickr and Google Maps
SLAINTE image of the moment SLAINTE is the website of the Scottish libraries’ and librarians’ professional bodies (SLIC, CILIPS) “Image of the moment” is a new feature introduced in the latest redesign of the website –Website is redesigned every 4-5 years –Keeps it fresh, and exploits new technologies
Image of the moment Submission of images invited from members –Editor’s choice –Potential for end-users to submit Image can –Record an event –Promote an event –Promote a library or related service Image can be –Digital photograph –Screen shot –Logo
Image archive Image archive required –For reference to past “moments” –To show images submitted but not selected Possibility of creating an image databank and retrieval system in SLAINTE –Expensive and time-consuming Or exploit an existing, open, free service –Experiments with Flickr
Flickr What other images related to archives, libraries, museums are on Flickr? Who submits images? Why are images submitted? How are images retrieved?
Flickr and other social websites: negative aspects for archives, libraries, museums Stuff appears whether we want it to or not –Even if copyright is violated Expensive and counter-productive to complain? Information may be incomplete, biased, inaccurate Social tagging may be misleading, incomplete, inaccurate May be unstable and temporary
Flickr and other social websites: positive aspects for archives, libraries, museums Free (nearly!), easy-to-use Global channel for promoting services Engagement with wider range of end- users Ability to apply expert tagging –Demonstrate professional skills of knowledge organisation
Mapping SCONE Sharing data with Google Maps and OCLC Dewey
SCONE Scottish Collections Network Collection-level descriptions for archives, libraries and museums in Scotland Physical location is a key component Postcode provides a link/map to Google Maps latitude and longitude measurements (geocodes) Google Maps Application Program Interface
Google Maps API Written in Javascript Standard zoom, pan, map type and search facilities Custom overlays –Places –Routes –Boundaries SCONE location data output in js format
Is this shape familiar?
Google map of all Scotland’s archives, libraries and museums
Locations of Robert Burns collections in Scotland
Locations of archive, library and museum collections in the Western Isles (Eileanan Siar)
Locations of collections on athletic & outdoor sports & games
Google Maps and other mashups: negative aspects for archives, libraries, museums Stuff appears whether we want it to or not –Information may be incomplete, biased, inaccurate Little control over depth of map and satellite coverage, response times, etc. Services may be unstable and temporary (Meta)data becomes publicly available –Third parties can create competing services
Google Maps and other mashups: positive aspects for archives, libraries, museums Free (nearly!), easy-to-use Global channel for promoting services Engagement with wider range of end- users Geographical information systems (maps) are effective, more intuitive retrieval tools for information environments
Wikis Sharing expertise wherever you are
Some library wikis I know about Eprints Application Profile (Dublin Core –Project with UK-wide scope, now ended –Developing into Scholarly Works Application Profile (SWAP) DC Scholarly Communication Community DCMI/RDA Task Group –Project with international scope, just started –Bringing together 2 international standards communities CILIP-BL Committee on AACR (RDA) –UK-wide standards committee –Constituent of international standards community
Wikis and archives, libraries, museums (1) Effective tool for long-distance collaboration Can be an official record of outcomes –E.g. like a website Can help with the organisation of workflows –Discussion documents, current priorities, etc. Low-cost or free
Wikis and archives, libraries, museums (2) Need effective manager/driver –To encourage the reluctant contributor Unfamiliar with technology and informal methods of collaboration –To curb the over-enthusiastic contributor Keep focus on major issues Might not be as stable or permanent as a “normal” website –As a “record of activity”
NSDL Registry Shared infrastructure for vocabulary (authority) management
NSDL National Science Digital Library Metadata registry “provides services to developers and consumers of controlled vocabularies and is one of the first production deployments of the RDF-based Semantic Web Community's Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)”RDF-based Semantic Web Community'sSimple Knowledge Organization System Non-production but fully-functional sandbox (play area) freely available
RDF/SKOS fragment for the FRBR entity concept of “Item”
RDF/SKOS fragment for the RDA carrier concept “Audio disc”
Metadata registries and SKOS (1) SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) –Basically a means of encoding structured vocabularies (e.g. thesaurus) Mark-up is RDF (Resource Description Framework) –Becoming the syntax of the Semantic Web Gives a machine-readable label (URI) to every “concept”
Metadata registries and SKOS (2) “Concepts” can be topics (subjects), people, organisations, places, events “Concepts” can be metadata attributes –Fields, tags, etc. Metadata registries can record both categories –Metadata content and structure Metadata relationships can be expressed using Web Ontology Language (OWL)