Bio-Inspired Flight Abstract Bio-inspired flight uses the characteristics of bats, birds and insects to improve the function and structure of airfoils on airplanes and UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). Introduction Airfoils of the past… Methods 1.Understand fundamentals and terminology of flight 2. Use a smoke tunnel to observe and predict streamlines around a given airfoil 3. Build a Zagi and learn to fly it 4. Design a dragon fly wing and compare it to an airfoil produced by NASA Results Amy R. Jameson, Melissa A. Burns Gilbert A. Dater High School, Cincinnati, OH, Sharpsburg Elementary, Norwood, OH Conclusion LRN1015 gets more lift but is less efficient at low speeds Corrugated airfoils are far superior to traditional shapes at low Reynolds number The more flexible types of flight possible suggests MAVs should have corrugated wings. Project RET is funded through NSF grant # EEC A Zagi Glider Acknowledgements: Dr. Kelly Cohen Mr. Cody Lafountain Mr. Curtis Fox Mrs. Andrea Burrows Dr. Anant Kukreti They haven’t changed much…but if we can design them to be more like bats, birds, or insects wings, they can be more efficient at low speeds. Dragonfly Wing LRN1015 smooth airfoil at a = 0Dragonfly-inspired airfoil in the wind tunnel at a= 0 Experimental Strategy Cut out a replica of a dragonfly wing from balsa wood to compare the streamlines to a smooth airfoil in a smoke tunnel Brandt, S. A., Stiles, R.J., Bertin, J.J., Whitford, R., (2004). Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective. American Institute of aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Hu, H., Masatoshi, T. (2008). “Bioinspired Corrugated Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, No.6, pp Kesel, A. B., “Aerodynamic Characteristics of Dragonfly Wing Sections compared with Technical Aerofoil,” Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.203, No. 20, 2000, pp Airfoil showing smooth streamlines. This airfoil shows less separation behind it. Dragonfly airfoil showing similar streamlines. Separation is more pronounced. Cut out a replica of the dragonfly wing from dense foam and fly it in the wind tunnel to collect data to compare to LRN1015 Hu, H., Masatoshi, T. (2008). “ Bioinspired Corrugated Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers, ” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, No.6, pp Thakoor, S., Chahl, J., Srinivasan, M.V., Young, L., Werblin, F., Hine, B., Zorentzer, S. (2002). “ Bioinspired Engineering of Exploration Systems for NASA and DoD, ” Artificial Life, Vol. 8, pp Hu, H., Masatoshi, T. (2008). “ Bioinspired Corrugated Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers, ” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, No.6, pp Thakoor, S., Chahl, J., Srinivasan, M.V., Young, L., Werblin, F., Hine, B., Zorentzer, S. (2002). “ Bioinspired Engineering of Exploration Systems for NASA and DoD, ” Artificial Life, Vol. 8, pp Efficiencies versus α shows corrugated airfoil is designed for many types of flight. Corrugated airfoil, as V and α change, drag stays low and nearly constant. References