Antwerp European Youth Capital… Proudly presents: A discovery of the diamond of all cities in an adventurous way An experience of the ultimate combination between streetsoccer and youth culture Exploration of the Antwerp style of youth work Active participation during the congress about youth in transition. Fun, Fun, Fun …
From Thursday 31st of march till Sunday 3rd of april WHO?Individuals or groups… Youngsters who would love to experience this four days event Urban youth who would love to exchange with others about the treasures and problems of the city. Experts in city life and youth involvement
Program City exploration arrival Antwerp nightlife Congress: transitions Transition inspired activities PARTY INTERNATIONAL STREETSOCCER Youth culture workshops Streetsoccer finals Youth culture- and soccer-event SHOOT! BBQ
MORE INFO & CONTACT JES vzw Feel free to visit us from 31st of march till 3rd of April. Transport, beds, food and good vibes will be provided Possibility to subscribe as a full team (max 6) or get mixed up with other international players