Mrs. Dumas First Grade Teacher
Welcome Mrs. Dumas (Doo-moss), says, “Please sign in!” Find a Seat at your child’s desk Tonight we will: View a video ( 9sER0 9sER0 Tour our Class Talk about behavior, homework and more!
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My Kids at Home
Work at School Minute Math Every Monday is a 5 minute math test. Addition or Subtraction Student must have 45/50 correct. Take home flash cards. Practicing math facts daily Weekly Fluency test for reading End goal is 60 words, currently 20 words
Work at School Spelling Test Every Friday a Test Sight Words Practicing words read 3-5 seconds Do not “sound out” sight words but spell AR tests Students can come early any day to test
Behavior at School PAWS Rules Practice school appropriate language. Always keep hands and feet to yourself. Walk quietly in the hallways. Stay on task and follow directions. Ready to learn chart CHAMPS board
Behavior at School Student starts on Green (Ready to Learn) Clip will move UP to throughout the day if they are following all the PAWs rules (Outstanding) Clip will move DOWN if the student isn’t following the PAWs rules (Parent Contact)
Contact Me Kimberly B. Dumas x Progress Reports Go Home Friday Contact me if you have any questions!