Mrs. Barreras 3 rd Grade School Year
While you visit our classroom, please make sure to: Sign in at the door Sign up for a conference at the small group table Indicate how your child will get home on the dismissal chart at the small group table Visit your child’s desk and take home the welcome letter and student info form Take a look around your child’s new class Meet the teacher!
Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value are foods that are not allowed to be eaten at school Soda Water Water Ices Chewing Gum Hard Candy Jellies and Gums Marshmallow Candies Fondant Licorice Spun Candy Candy Coated Popcorn
Please note that cupcakes are no longer allowed to be served in the classroom for any occasion.
Our class homepage is a valuable resource to use at home! It contains information on Homework Our class newsletter, The Barreras Buzz Class expectations and rules Fun websites for practice at home Important forms Here’s how to access it:
School starts at 7:45. If your child is not present at this time, he/she will be marked tardy. School is dismissed at 3:15 Attendance is taken at 9:30 every morning. If your child is not present at this time, he/she will be marked absent.
If your child will go home a different way at the end of the day, please send a signed note to class or call our office at The end of day transportation for your child CAN NOT be changed after 2:30 (i.e. car instead of bus, etc.) Please see our end of day transportation list in our classroom and fill it out
Your child should bring home his/her Bee Binder every night and get it signed Your child should read aloud for 20 minutes every night Our class newsletter, The Barreras Buzz, will be sent home every other Monday in your child’s Bee Binder Communication is important
I am looking forward to our year together! Our class is the place to