Dispersion Modeling A Brief Introduction A Brief Introduction Image from Univ. of Waterloo Environmental Sciences Marti Blad
2 Transport of Air Pollution Plumes tell story Ambient vs DALR Models predict air pollution concentrations Input knowledge of sources and meteorology Chemical reactions may need to be addressed
3 Outline Transport phenomena review Why use dispersion models? Many different types of models Limitations & assumptions Math & science behind models Gaussian dispersion models Screen3 model information
4 Momentum, Heat & Mass Transport Advection Movement by flow (wind) Convection Movement by heat Heat island Radiation Diffusion Movement from high to low concentration Dispersion Tortuous path, spreading out because goes around obstacles
5 Diffusion & dispersion
6 Why Use Dispersion Models? Predict impact from proposed and/or existing development NSR- new source review PSD- prevention of significant deterioration Assess air quality monitoring data Monitor location Assess air quality standards or guidelines Compliance and regulatory Evaluate AP control strategies Look for change after implementation
7 Why Use Dispersion Models? Evaluate receptor exposure Monitoring network design Review data Peak locations Spatial patterns Model Verification image from collection of Pittsburgh Photographic Library, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
8 Types of Models Gaussian Plume Mathematical approximation of dispersion Numerical Grid Models Transport & diffusional flow fields Stochastic Statistical or probability based Empirical Based on experimental or field data Physical Flow visualization in wind tunnels, scale models,etc.
9 Limitations & Assumptions Useful tools: right model for your needs Allows quantification of air quality problem Space – different distances, scale Time – different time scales Steady state conditions? Understand limitations Mathematics-different types Chemistry-reactive or non-reactive Meteorology-Climatology
10 Recall Data Distribution Linear: y = mx + b Equation of a line Polynomial: y = x 2 + 3x Curved lines Draw shape Poisson; exponential, saturation In natural populations Draw shapes Gaussian (Bell or Normal Curve)
11 Normal Distribution Gaussian Distribution Normal or Bell shaped curve Assumes measurement varies randomly Commonly characteristic of data error Mean= Average = center of “bell” Mu = μ Std. Dev. = variation from average Precision or spread Sigma = σ Skew = bias Describes curve or point(s) Equipment calibration
Normal Curve Sample Mean = 20, Std Dev = 5 Area =.05 on each side is
13 Different Sigma: watch scale
14 The Gaussian Plume Model The mathematical shape of the curve is similar to that of Gaussian curve hence the model is called by that name.
15 Gaussian-Based Dispersion Models Plume dispersion in lateral & horizontal planes characterized by a Gaussian distribution Picture Pollutant concentrations predicted are estimations Uncertainty of input data values approximations used in the mathematics intrinsic variability of dispersion process
z hh h H x y h = plume rise h = stack height H = effective stack height H = h + h C(x,y,z) Downwind at (x,y,z)? Gaussian Dispersion
Gaussian Dispersion Concentration Solution
18 Gaussian Plume Dispersion One approach: assume each individual plume behaves in Gaussian manner Results in concentration profile with bell-shaped curve
19 Is this clear? Time averaged concentration profiles about plume centerline Recall limitations Normal Distribution is used to describe random processes Recall bell shaped curves in 3-D Maximum concentration occurs at the center of the plume See up coming model pictures Dispersion is in 3 directions
20 Graphic Gaussian Dispersion Gaussian behavior extends in 3 dimensions
21 Simple Gaussian Model Assumptions Continuous constant pollutant emissions Conservation of mass in atmosphere No reactions occurring between pollutants When pollutants hit ground: reflected, or absorbed Steady-state meteorological conditions Short term assumption Concentration profiles are represented by Gaussian distribution—bell curve shape
22 What is a Dispersion Model? Repetitious solution of dispersion equations Computer solves over and over again Compare and contrast different conditions Based on principles of transport Complex mathematical equations Previously discussed meteorological conditions Computer-aided simulation of atmosphere based on inputs Best models need good quality and site specific data
23 Computer Model Structure INPUT DATA: Operator experience METEROLOGY EMISSIONS RECEPTORS Model Output: Estimates of Concentrations at Receptors Model does calculations
24 Models allow multiple mechanisms Models describe this situation mathematically
25 Screen 3 model Understand spatial and temporal relationships One hour concentration estimates Caveat in program Meteorology Source type and specific information Point, flare, area and volume Receptor distance Discrete vs automated Receptor height
26 Meteorological Inputs Actual pattern of dispersion depends on atmospheric conditions prevailing during the release Appropriate meteorological conditions Wind rose Speed and direction Stability class Mixing Height Appropriate time period
Point Source Source emission data Pollutant emission data Rate or emission factors Stack or source specific data Temperature in stack Velocity out of stack Building dimensions Building location Release Height Terrain More complex scenarios 27
28 Model Inputs Effect Outputs Height of plume rise calculated Momentum and buoyancy Can significantly alter dispersion & location of downwind maximum ground-level concentration Effects of nearby buildings estimated Downwash wake effects Can significantly alter dispersion & location of downwind max. ground-level concentration
29 Buoyancy =Plume rise
30 Different Stack Scenarios
31 Conceptual Effect of Buildings
Spatial Relationships 32
33 Review Transport Phenomena Meteorology and climatology Add convection, pressure changes Gaussian = even spreading directions Highest along axis Not as scary as sounds Input data quality critical to model quality Screen 3 limitation for reactive chemicals No reactions assumed to create or destroy Create picture for Screen3 word problems
34 Screen3: Area Source 1 st Emission rate Area Longest side, shortest side Release height Terrain Simple Flat Reflection and absorption Distances Discrete vs automated Receptor height