The best way to predict the future is to create it. January 22, 2015
In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists. Eric Hoffer
Movements fight an injustice in the world. Brains on Fire
It is simply impossible to predict with any useful degree of precision how disruptive products will be used or how large their markets will be. Clayton Christenson
Startups are not small versions of big companies. A startup is a temporary organization to discover an unmet customer need and then to develop a highly scalable business model around it. Steve Blank
I felt guilty about working on Android when it was a little startup we bought. It wasn’t really what we were working on. That was stupid. That was the future. Larry Page
Operational excellence secures the present. Innovation excellence secures the future. Roger Milliken
If Clemson were in Greenville, what would we do different? Clemson President Jim Barker If Clemson were in Greenville, what would we do different? Clemson President Jim Barker
Would BMW rent time on our wind tunnel? Clemson VP Research Chris Przirembel Would BMW rent time on our wind tunnel? Clemson VP Research Chris Przirembel
The World’s Premier Automotive and Motorsports Research and Educational Facility Nation's first PhD in Automotive Engineering, John Limroth of Austin, Texas, now works with Michelin.
Guessing the right strategy at the onset isn’t nearly as important to success as conserving enough resources to get a second or third stab at getting it right. Clayton Christenson
Who is the customer, and what are they trying to do that is difficult, expensive, or inconvenient? Customer Profile Vegetarian52% Low fat25% Low cholesterol19% Low carbohydrate14% Low salt15% Vegan15% Macrobiotic7% “Half of your customers are vegetarians?”
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Be patient for growth but impatient for profit. Test as quickly as possible whether real products create enough real value for which customers will pay real money. Clayton Christenson
People are looking for hope and a path. Phil Yanov