Russian Public Opinion Research Center Moscow, 2011
2 Who are we? The first and the leading polling firm in the FSU Our expertise: Sociological and marketing research “Full-cycle” research firm: services from instrument design and data collection till report writing and presentation of results to the clients. Both qualitative and quantitative research specially tailored to the needs of clients Nationwide representative sample for quantitative studies Highly professional team (over 60 full-time employees with graduate degrees) Clients include both public and private, located in Russia and abroad The most widely known polling company in RF (over 1000 citations per month) Member of ESOMAR and INTERSEARCH
What spheres do we study? 3 1.Business finance and insurance, real estate and construction, trademarks, branding and reputation management, IT and media research, sports industry, automobile market 2.Politics electoral and approvement ratings, protest activity, corruption 3.Social sphere education, employment, health care, family
Where do we do our research? 4 1.Russia Representation offices in all 7 Federal Districts of Russia Quantitative studies upon representative nationwide sample Qualitative studies specially tailored to the needs of the clients 2.Post-Soviet space Partnership ties in 13 former USSR countries (including the Baltic states, Central Asia, Ukraine and Belarus) Biannual joint studies in the framework of “Eurasian monitor” international agency 3.Worldwide Partnership ties with international research firms located all over the globe – from Japan to Germany Memberships: ESOMAR, Intersearch
Who are we conducting our studies for? By the third decade of our presence in public opinion research market we have provided expertise to over 2000 clients: both public and private, located both nationally and abroad… 5
Who is working for you? 6 1.Over 60 employees in Moscow headquarters 2.Ph.D. and M.S. holders – graduates of the best Russian and international Universities (e.g., Moscow State University, St.Petersburg State University, Vienna Diplomatic Academy, etc…) 3.Professionals with an expertise in: sociology, psychology, research and evaluation methodology, economics, finance, political science, international relations, health, engineering, etc… 4.Own network of interviewers (over 5000 people nationwide) 5.Contract ties with 118 agencies Dr. Valery Fedorov VCIOM Director General
Which methods do we employ? We use a wide range of both qualitative and quantitative research techniques – from correlation analysis and hypothesis testing to factor, cluster and correspondence analyses and multidimensional scaling. 7 Research techniques Face-to-face interviews Telephone interviews Focus-groups In-depth interviews Expert studies Hall-tests Packaging and advertising Diary studies Desk research Specialized programs of sampling Mystery Shopping
How do we guarantee the high quality control of our studies? Control of interviewers’ work is achieved by means of: control of interviewers by supervisors in the polling stations, route card control, 20 % control of interviews conducting over a data file, 10% spot control of interviews conducted with the second visit method or with the repeated interview by telephone method, and also the postal method. Data-entry control: logic control on data file, input errors analysis, statistical monitoring of input errors. 8 Konstantin Abramov VCIOM First Deputy Director General
Contact us at: or by phone: Director on International and Public Relations Dr. Olga Kamenchuk