Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS) Orientation & Advising Session Julia Krane, PhD, Chair, Women’s Studies Advisory Committee (WSAC) Caili Woodyard, BTh, BFA Administrative & Student Affairs Coordinator
hree teaching programs are administered by the IGSF: Three teaching programs are administered by the IGSF: undergraduate programs in both Women's Studies (WMST) and Sexual Diversity Studies (SDS) undergraduate programs in both Women's Studies (WMST) and Sexual Diversity Studies (SDS) the Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS). the Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS). The Institute supports student organizations, organizes a seminar series and several major events each academic year.
Women’s Studies Advisory Committee (WSAC) The Women’s Studies Advisory Committee (WSAC) meets regularly during the academic year to review and revise the curriculum for the Women’s Studies Programs and Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies as well as to clarify, modify or develop policies governing the academic requirements for the programs. WSAC is comprised of professors and students from a range of disciplines and faculties. The Women’s Studies Advisory Committee (WSAC) meets regularly during the academic year to review and revise the curriculum for the Women’s Studies Programs and Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies as well as to clarify, modify or develop policies governing the academic requirements for the programs. WSAC is comprised of professors and students from a range of disciplines and faculties. If you are interested in participating on WSAC or if you have any questions, concerns, or agenda items for WSAC meetings please contact Caili Woodyard at or Julia Krane at If you are interested in participating on WSAC or if you have any questions, concerns, or agenda items for WSAC meetings please contact Caili Woodyard at or Julia Krane at
Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS) There are no prerequisites to enter into the Option. However, undergraduate or graduate courses in gender or women’s studies provide an ideal foundation for more in-depth study of and research in feminist scholarship. There are no prerequisites to enter into the Option. However, undergraduate or graduate courses in gender or women’s studies provide an ideal foundation for more in-depth study of and research in feminist scholarship. Open to graduate students at McGill University enrolled in a department that has approved the Option. Open to graduate students at McGill University enrolled in a department that has approved the Option. A student who pursues this option obtains a graduate degree in their own department as well as an “Option / Concentration” in Gender and Women’s Studies. A student who pursues this option obtains a graduate degree in their own department as well as an “Option / Concentration” in Gender and Women’s Studies. The Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies will appear on a student’s transcript along with the designated graduate degree (MA or PhD). The Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies will appear on a student’s transcript along with the designated graduate degree (MA or PhD).
Approved Graduate Programs Faculty of Arts Anthropology, MA (Thesis); Medical Anthropology, MA Anthropology, MA (Thesis); Medical Anthropology, MA Art History, MA (non-Thesis); PhD Art History, MA (non-Thesis); PhD Communication Studies, MA (Thesis); PhD Communication Studies, MA (Thesis); PhD French Language and Literature, MA (non-thesis); MA (Thesis); PhD French Language and Literature, MA (non-thesis); MA (Thesis); PhD Geography, MA (Thesis), PhD Geography, MA (Thesis), PhD History, MA (non-thesis); MA (Thesis) History, MA (non-thesis); MA (Thesis) Islamic Studies, MA; PhD Islamic Studies, MA; PhD Philosophy, PhD Philosophy, PhD Political Science, MA (non-thesis); PhD Political Science, MA (non-thesis); PhD Sociology, MA (non-thesis); MA (Thesis); PhD Sociology, MA (non-thesis); MA (Thesis); PhD Faculty of Education Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE) Second Language Education, MA Second Language Education, MA Education and Society, MA Education and Society, MA Educational Leadership, MA (non-thesis), Project Educational Leadership, MA (non-thesis), Project Educational Studies, PhD Educational Studies, PhD Schulich School of Music Department of Music Musicology, MA (Thesis) Theory, MA (Thesis) Music, PhD (Thesis) Faculty of Religious Studies MA; PhD
Supervision Is undertaken by one’s departmental supervisor who oversees student work, including choice of thesis, dissertation or project topic. Is undertaken by one’s departmental supervisor who oversees student work, including choice of thesis, dissertation or project topic. A student’s PhD dissertation, MA thesis, MA research paper or project must be on a topic centrally related to issues of gender and/or women and/or feminism. A student’s PhD dissertation, MA thesis, MA research paper or project must be on a topic centrally related to issues of gender and/or women and/or feminism. Talk to your supervisor about plans for an upcoming sabbatical leave or retirement Talk to your supervisor about plans for an upcoming sabbatical leave or retirement Plan with your supervisor prior to her/his leave Plan with your supervisor prior to her/his leave Ensure your supervisor either continues to oversee your studies or assists you to find a new supervisor Ensure your supervisor either continues to oversee your studies or assists you to find a new supervisor Report all changes, in writing, to the IGSF Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator Report all changes, in writing, to the IGSF Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator
Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies Familiarize yourself with the Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies website for: all thesis submission guidelines and deadlines all thesis submission guidelines and deadlines Expected terms of study Expected terms of study Implications of changes in status (full- time, part-time) Implications of changes in status (full- time, part-time)
Program Requirements: Graduate Option in GWS: M.A. (6 credits) Required courses (3 credits) : Feminist Theories and Methods (WMST 601) Feminist Theories and Methods (WMST 601) Complementary courses (3 credits): Feminist Research Symposium (WMST 602) Feminist Research Symposium (WMST 602)OR 3 credits selected from a list of interdisciplinary Complementary Courses 3 credits selected from a list of interdisciplinary Complementary Courses Total of 6 credits
Program Requirements: Graduate Option in GWS: Ph.D. (9 credits) Required courses (6 credits) : Feminist Theories and Methods (WMST 601) Feminist Theories and Methods (WMST 601) Feminist Research Symposium (WMST 602) Feminist Research Symposium (WMST 602) Complementary courses (3 credits): Selected from a list of interdisciplinary Complementary Courses Selected from a list of interdisciplinary Complementary Courses Total of 9 credits
GWS Complementary Courses Art History and Communication Studies ARTH 678* (3) Topics: 19th Century Art & Architecture II: Sickness and Social Deviance in 19th Century France, WINTER 2011 ARTH 678* (3) Topics: 19th Century Art & Architecture II: Sickness and Social Deviance in 19th Century France, WINTER 2011English ENGL 500* (3) Middle English: Women's Lives, Women’s Bodies, FALL 2010 ENGL 500* (3) Middle English: Women's Lives, Women’s Bodies, FALL 2010 ENGL 566* (3) Special Studies in Drama 1: Women on the Restoration Stage, FALL 2010 ENGL 566* (3) Special Studies in Drama 1: Women on the Restoration Stage, FALL 2010Geography GEOG 507* (3) Advanced Social Geography: Sex, Race and Space, FALL 2010 GEOG 507* (3) Advanced Social Geography: Sex, Race and Space, FALL 2010History HIST 525 (3) Women, Work and Family in Global History, WINTER 2011 HIST 525 (3) Women, Work and Family in Global History, WINTER 2011Law CMPL 504* (3) Feminist Legal Theory, WINTER 2011 CMPL 504* (3) Feminist Legal Theory, WINTER 2011
GWS Complementary Courses cont’d Philosophy PHIL 542 (3) Seminar in Feminist Theory, WINTER 2011 PHIL 542 (3) Seminar in Feminist Theory, WINTER 2011 Social Work SWRK 628 (3) Violence Against Women, FALL 2010 SWRK 628 (3) Violence Against Women, FALL 2010Sociology SOCI 513 (3) Social Aspects of AIDS/HIV in Africa, FALL 2010 SOCI 513 (3) Social Aspects of AIDS/HIV in Africa, FALL 2010 SOCI 530 (3) Sex and Gender, FALL 2010 SOCI 530 (3) Sex and Gender, FALL 2010 SOCI 535 (3) Sociology of the Family, FALL 2010 SOCI 535 (3) Sociology of the Family, FALL 2010 Women’s Studies WMST 501 (3) Advanced Topics in Women’s Studies 1: Feminist Legal Theory, WINTER 2011 WMST 501 (3) Advanced Topics in Women’s Studies 1: Feminist Legal Theory, WINTER 2011 WMST 602 (3) Feminist Research Symposium, WINTER 2011 WMST 602 (3) Feminist Research Symposium, WINTER 2011
I found a great course… …but it’s NOT listed as a Complementary Course for the Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies. What can I do? Contact the professor teaching the course and ask: Contact the professor teaching the course and ask: “Is this course centrally focused on gender &/or women &/or feminism?” If so, obtain a course syllabus and a written confirmation from the professor that this course is centrally focused on gender &/or women &/or feminism. If so, obtain a course syllabus and a written confirmation from the professor that this course is centrally focused on gender &/or women &/or feminism. Book an appointment with the Women’s Studies Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator. Book an appointment with the Women’s Studies Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator. The Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator will fill out the relevant form and send it to the Faculty of Arts. The Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator will fill out the relevant form and send it to the Faculty of Arts.
Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) Telephone: TTY: Website: The OSD assists students with documented permanent disabilities: Mobility and coordination impairments Mobility and coordination impairments Hearing or vision impairments Hearing or vision impairments Chronic physical or mental health problems Chronic physical or mental health problems Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorder Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorder The OSD assists students with documented temporary disabilities: Acute illness that temporarily affects aspects of normal school functioning. Acute illness that temporarily affects aspects of normal school functioning. Accidents resulting in temporary mobility or health issues affecting aspects of normal school access and participation. Accidents resulting in temporary mobility or health issues affecting aspects of normal school access and participation. Make sure to inform your professor Make sure to inform your professor
Incomplete Coursework Unable to complete the requirements for a WMST course? Tell your professor about your situation. Ask for an extension. Unable to complete the requirements for a WMST course? Tell your professor about your situation. Ask for an extension. If agreed upon, you will receive a "K" grade If agreed upon, you will receive a "K" grade You and your professor must complete a “K” form, submitted to the Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator. You and your professor must complete a “K” form, submitted to the Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator. The course requirements must be completed within an agreed upon deadline and up to a maximum of 4 months (1 academic term). The course requirements must be completed within an agreed upon deadline and up to a maximum of 4 months (1 academic term). If the work is not submitted and the grade is not changed prior to the 4 months, the “K” is automatically changed to a “KF”, or failure; the “F” remains on your transcript. If the work is not submitted and the grade is not changed prior to the 4 months, the “K” is automatically changed to a “KF”, or failure; the “F” remains on your transcript.
Incomplete Coursework cont’d Under extenuating circumstances and accompanied by a medical certificate, you may request an additional extension Under extenuating circumstances and accompanied by a medical certificate, you may request an additional extension Upon completion of the coursework, your professor will submit your grade to the Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator Upon completion of the coursework, your professor will submit your grade to the Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator
Margaret Gillett Graduate Research Awards (up to $1,000 each) Deadline for Applications: Spring 2011 (March/April) Eligibility: Graduate students, in any McGill department, who are conducting research in Women's Studies leading to a degree are eligible to apply. Applicants may be, but are not required to be, enrolled in the Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies. Value: Up to two awards, with an estimated value of $500 to $1,000 each, for research expenses, including travel for research purposes. Application: To apply, please send the following materials to the Student Affairs Coordinator, IGSF, McGill University, 3487 Peel Street, 2nd floor, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W7: A 500-word outline of the research to be undertaken, including a clear research question, a description of the methodology required to undertake the study and the expected contribution of the project to your field of study A 500-word outline of the research to be undertaken, including a clear research question, a description of the methodology required to undertake the study and the expected contribution of the project to your field of study A copy of graduate and undergraduate transcripts A copy of graduate and undergraduate transcripts A current curriculum vitae A current curriculum vitae A budget indicating the amount and proposed use of the award (the lowest rates for travel and accommodation are recommended) A budget indicating the amount and proposed use of the award (the lowest rates for travel and accommodation are recommended) A letter of recommendation from a faculty member who is acquainted with your work A letter of recommendation from a faculty member who is acquainted with your work
Shree Mulay Graduate Award in Gender and Women’s Studies (up to $5,000) Deadline for Nominations: Spring 2011 (March/April) Eligibility: This recruitment award is granted to a graduate student who is enrolling in the Graduate Option in Gender and Women's Studies and exemplifies excellence in scholarship in Gender and/or Women's Studies. Value: One award with an estimated value of $3,500 to $5,000 Nominations: Nominations are solicited from Graduate Directors in Departments participating in the Graduate Option in Gender and Women’s Studies. To nominate an applicant to McGill, please send the following materials, with the applicant’s permission, to the Student Affairs Coordinator, IGSF, McGill University, 3487 Peel Street, 2nd floor, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W7: A brief (500-word) statement of the student’s research interests A brief (500-word) statement of the student’s research interests A copy of graduate and undergraduate transcripts A copy of graduate and undergraduate transcripts A curriculum vitae A curriculum vitae A note from the Graduate Director or Chair indicating the financial package the department is offering the applicant A note from the Graduate Director or Chair indicating the financial package the department is offering the applicant Two or three letters of support from those acquainted with the applicant’s academic record Two or three letters of support from those acquainted with the applicant’s academic record
Friends Committee Gender and Women’s Studies Graduate Best Paper Prize (up to $1,000) Deadline for Nominations: Spring 2011 (March / April) Eligibility: Awarded to a graduate student who has successfully completed the course requirements of the Graduate Option in Gender and Women's Studies and who has written a paper on a topic centrally related to issues of Gender and/or Women’s Studies. Value: One award with an estimated value of $1,000 Nominations: To nominate an eligible student, instructors should send the name of the student and a copy of the paper (with the student’s permission) to the Student Affairs Coordinator, IGSF, McGill University, 3487 Peel Street, 2nd floor, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W7 or by at