TEACH Bridges to the Future
Phase 1 August-early October EDUC 524 and 510: The Work of the Middle and High School Teacher (UMass) EDUC 592SS: Microteaching (school sites) EDUC 511, 512, 514, or 515: Subject Area Methods (Umass) Ed. Tech, CSL and Ad. Growth and Development ( about once a month) for the year-online in person Teacher Observations Mini-lessons with each other and with students Reflective observations Develop lesson plans Begin working in tk20 Work with your Mentor Start your Portfolio PRE-PRACTICUM PHASE
You will also… Complete your Pre-Practicum binder on Tk20
Phase 2 October-January EDUC 510: Reflective Seminar in Teaching Continue Methods classes Some spring classes continue Student teaching! Teach in your subject area Tk20 meetings with your supervisor and cooperating teacher Design and present your Service Learning Project Draft Design your unit series Submit licensure Other Documentation PRACTICUM PHASE— AKA STUDENT TEACHING
Phase 3 February- June Advanced Methods EDUC 696W: Issues in Clinical Teaching Clinical teaching “Three” classes in your subject area or two in your subject area and one in a related area of interest! Implement your Service Project Professional portfolio continues JOB HUNTING! CLINICAL TEACHING PHASE
EDUC 524 & 510: Middle and High School Teaching REVO and Erik S. 3 credits Pass/Fail Includes field experiences in urban and rural settings Observations of teachers, students, classes, the “life” of the school Reflective journaling Planning lessons and units TK20: Form 2 Ask yourself: Why do I want to teach ? What do I want to teach them? How will I do it? What does it mean to be a teacher? Professional Topics Lesson Planning
EDUC 592SS: Microteaching 1 credit with Revo and Erik The classroom as lab Reflective Practice Teaching, analyzing, reflecting with each other Tk20: Assessment 6 Learn to identify best practices- video tape them Explore basic teaching strategies with real kids Follows medical “Rounds” Discuss lessons with colleagues
EDUC 615TT: Education in Context Leadership in Community Service Martha Ryan 3 credits per semester, graded Course devoted to creating, planning, implementing, and documenting an innovative service learning experience “Service Projects” must be tied to student learning and community needs/ issues
Subject Area Methods EDUC 511, 512, 514 & 515 Teaching Methods in Science, English, Social Studies & History, Math 3 Credits; graded; mid-September to December Held at UMass History/Political Science—Dr. Robert Maloy Science—D., John Kudukey English/Language Arts—Dr. Barbara Madeloni Math—Dr. John Francisco/ Dr. Sandy Madden
Subject Area Methods You will explore: Various teaching strategies and instructional methods Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks Standards from the subject area professional organizations Principles of effective teaching These include: cooperative learning, reading/writing in the disciplines interdisciplinary teaching, multicultural approaches using computers and other technologies teaching strategies that relate specifically to your subject area. sample lesson plans/units will be prepared and presented to the class developing appropriate assessments
EDUC 615G: Integrating Technology with Instruction (infused in service) REVO 3 credits, graded Some online some in person Register for this for spring semester This course will Ask you to pose a question or solve a problem while using technology
STEP Bridges Info. Gathering Tree Question/Data Needed Go To -Graduate course -School building or district issues, including stipend information, forms -Certification -Tk20 technical issues -Extenuating health, personal issues -UMass administrative or bureaucratic issues -Supervising Practitioner -Student/parent issues Course instructor School Site Coordinator, other teachers, building principal Kim Drake, Licensure Office Tk20 0ffice REVO and your school Site Coordinator See appropriate office, Continuing and Professional Education, or Linda Guthrie at Furcolo School Site Coordinator and/or Program Supervisor Supervising Practitioner administration
Licensure/Degree Paperwork All paperwork for licensure and the master’s degree MUST BE IN! Tk-20 MUST be complete! No overdue fees, library books, etc. You DID register for all your credits, right? ALL PARTS of the MTEL MUST be passed before the Incomplete in 510 is released. In order to get your license, you must be a PROGRAM “COMPLETER”.
June 2012 You did it! Two celebrations: UMass grad school (held in May ) –organic/ traditional STEP BRIDGES Closing Ceremony (held in June in one of the districts) Massachusetts initial teacher licensure arrives in the summer Many of you will have jobs by now or will be actively interviewing