Jacqueline A. Gill, Associate Professor Slides will change automatically or you may click the screen to move forwards. To move backwards, use the direction arrows on your keyboard.
Ethnic NewsWatch is an interdisciplinary, bilingual (English and Spanish) full-text database of ethnic and minority newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals published in the U.S., including magazines on business, child rearing, and ethnic history. Currently over 270 publications are included. Focus: News Social issues Culture and related issues ETHNIC NEWSWATCH
From the City College Library homepage click the Quick Links icon to go the the City College Library Resources page. ETHNIC NEWSWATCH
Click the link for Ethnic Newswatch. ETHNIC NEWSWATCH
SEARCHING FROM HOME First Time Users: First time users must have their ID validated at the Circulation Desk. Type in your 14-digit CCNY ID barcode Hit Submit Fill in required fields Then sign in as a “Return User” Return Users: Sign in with and password you created Hit Submit
ETHNIC NEWSWATCH The database can be viewed in English or Spanish.
ETHNIC NEWSWATCH This is the advanced search page. Enter your topics here. Click “More Search Options” to identify additional search criteria.
ETHNIC NEWSWATCH This is the results page. Additional topics are suggested here. Click the “Full Text” link to view the complete article.
ETHNIC NEWSWATCH This is the full text of the article. Click the link at the top of the screen to print or .
ETHNIC NEWSWATCH Select full text. Enter your name. Enter your address. Give the a subject. Optional – add a message. Click Send.
ETHNIC NEWSWATCH A confirmation page will display. Click “document view” to return to the document sent.
Questions? Visit the Reference Desk on the 2 nd floor and speak to any librarian. Jacqueline A. Gill, Associate Professor ETHNIC NEWSWATCH