Welcome to Second Grade at Lynnewood Elementary!
Lynnewood Elementary Important Contact Information School Address and Phone Number 1400 Lawrence Road Havertown PA Extension 4000 Mrs. Duffy – , extension 4124
Important People in the Office Principal Mrs. McGilvery Secretary Mrs. Fairman
Educational Support Mrs. Musi Guidance Counselor Mrs. Popiel Reading Specialist Mrs. Hummel
In the Nurse’s Office Mrs. Capista and Mrs. Cooperstein Please contact Mrs. Capista if your child will need medication while at school.
Arrival and Dismissal Students will enter the Building no earlier than 8:35 am. Please remind Your students to report directly to their classroom in preparation for the day. Students will be dismissed at 3:30. Bus and aftercare students will wait in their classroom until they are called to be dismissed. Please always send written notice of change of plans!
As Lynnewood Lions we will...
A Typical Second Grade Day Morning Meeting Greeting – a way to greet each other in a positive way Share – learn more about our friends Activity – have fun and engage Message – prepare for the day
Word Work * word wall, building words, phonics, vocabulary and handwriting Block 1 Community Reading *comprehension skill and strategy Block 2
Small Group Guided Reading * small, flexible groups that work to decode and comprehend at differentiated reading levels. Block 3 Writing *journal writing, writing to a prompt, text dependent writing, critical areas Block 4
What can you do to help encourage Language Arts growth? Read every day! – out loud and independently Talk to each other and encourage complete sentences. Stop while you read to ask questions about characters, setting, problem, solution. Practice decoding multisyllabic words.
Science and Social Studies Balancing and Weighing Changes (Solids, Liquids and Gasses) Butterflies Native Americans Historical Figures Ancestors and Immigration
Math in Focus helps students build solid conceptual understanding through a focus on problem solving. Students learn the “why” and the “how” through instruction, hands-on activities, and problem solving. Chapters include... Numbers to 1,000 Addition and Subtraction to 1,000 Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Multiplication Tables Metric Measurement of Length Mass Volume Mental Math and Estimation Money Fractions Customary Measurement of Length Time Multiplication Tables of 3 and 4 Using Bar Models: Multiplication and Division Picture Graphs Lines and Surfaces Shapes and Patterns
Things you can do... Reflex Math! Read numbers in real life. Big ones!! Solve real world problems mentally. Practice math fluency. Expose your child to time and money. Work through homework together.
Second Grade Homework Language Arts Read nightly, spelling weekly Math When appropriate, Reflex Special Projects When appropriate, in advance The BEST thing your child can do is READ! Children who love to read love to learn!!!
Monday-Guidance with Mrs. Popiel 1:30-2:00 Tuesday- Art with Mrs. Sherbinko 1:20-2:20 Wednesday-Music with Mrs. Manfredi 1:20-2:20 Thursday-Library with Mrs. Kerick 1:20-2:20 Friday-Physical Education with Mrs. Brocklesby 1:35-2:20
We love birthdays in second grade! Haverford Township does NOT permit food treats in celebration of birthdays. However, we would love for you to read a book to the class, or send a non- edible treat (pencil, eraser, bookmark, etc.) to share with the class! Of course, we will sing you your birthday boy or girl in the classroom!
Brief, working snack Small Desk storage Drinks are not necessary
Information will be sent via bi-weekly to let you know what we are learning in room 124! Reflex Math information is in your packet. Scholastic Book Orders will be placed monthly on or close to the 15 th. Information for online ordering is in your packet. My website is under construction due to technical difficulties. Once it is up and running, I will send an to let you know. I will post useful websites and important classroom information on this site.