Wednesday 16th September 2015 Year 7 Parents’ Information Morning
General Information * P.E. days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure children have their gear. * Punctuality is extremely important. * Homework is given Monday to Thursday. * Reading, phonics and spellings are still important. * Healthy eating is encouraged. * Tin whistle needed on Wednesday.
Literacy Language and literacy will be considered in a holistic way, taking account of Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing which extend across all areas of the curriculum. This year we will focus on writing genres.
Talking & Listening Think about what is being said and language used. Speak confidently for a variety of purposes. Capture interest of audience e.g. gesture and expression.
Reading Read a variety of texts. Collins, Nelson, novel & reading scheme. Collins Guided Reading Scheme with related tasks. Analysing and responding to text at appropriate level. Continue Accelerated Reader on iPADs.
Writing Develop skills in conveying ideas and information for range of purposes. Encourage planning, drafting and evaluating their work. Encourage neat presentation and accurate punctuation in work.
Language and Literacy Literacy is therefore a key to learning as well as a key to enjoyment and personal growth. Northern Ireland Curr.
News Desk Library of online resources related to news topics with pupil tasks in all subject areas. Pupils can share opinions on topics with ‘Have Your Say’.
Mathematics and Numeracy Numeracy is a life skill. Consolidate concepts and encourage them to reflect on their strategies and work. Discuss the processes involved in finding a solution or presenting work. Encourage mental maths and incorporate ICT resources.
Mathematics Number Measures Shape & Space Handling Data Problem Solving ALTA
WAU Topics Wind Victorians Titanic The Famine School Play
Religion Alive-O 7 Confirmation Class Retreat RSE (Relationships & Sexuality Education) ‘A Confirmation Year’ Workbook
PATHS new PDMU programme in Years 4-7 PATHS is a social-emotional learning curriculum that focuses on teaching children improved thinking skills and responsible decision making. Aimed at promoting positive self-esteem and alternative thinking skills Parental input required for Pupil of the day.
The Arts and P.E. Art workshops Carol service & Culture Day Music & Tin whistle Drama PE lessons Specialised coaching
ICT Integrating ICT into the curriculum iPAD and using apps ICT tasks Make use of facilities at home ing homework as attachments Introduction to Programming with Scratch
HOW TO HELP AT HOME Encourage your child to establish a homework routine. Check that homework is completed each evening. Ensure that your child reading each week, talk about what they have read. Develop a wide vocabulary.(list) If your child is not keen to read, consider audio CDs. Spend some time each day checking spellings and quick recall of times tables. Show an interest in what your child is doing in school and talk to them in a positive manner. Access online resources to reinforce topics. Keep the teacher informed as necessary of any illness, family issue, medical condition.
Calendar for Year Seven
Term One Start of year Mass Parent teacher meetings October. (Year 7 children only) Service of Light & Commitment Ceremony Bring n’ Buy Sale Carol Service
Term Two School visits and open days Confirmation Retreat Sacrament of Confirmation RSE (Relationships & Sexuality Education) Culture Day
Term Three Year 7 Play Activity Day End of Year Trip Records of Achievement Leavers’ Mass
Thank you for your attention!