Roma Project. Bridget Gallagher Service Improvement Co- ordinator – Equally Well. Glasgow City CHP – South Sector
What we know about Mortality and Morbidity rates. Average Scottish life expectancy for male is 74.5yrs (54yrs) and female is 79.3yrs (66yrs). 13 – 20yr difference for average Roma. Main cause of Roma premature death is cardio vascular or respiratory disease. Social determinants and lifestyle impact significantly on mortality and morbidity.
What interventions are currently available to support diagnosis and management of disease. GP registration to access full range of Primary Care services. Primary prevention of cardio vascular disease through Keep Well anticipatory care programme. Secondary prevention of long term conditions through GP local enhanced service (LES).
New intervention model - outreach to enable Roma to access Primary Care services. Bi-lingual HI support adopting outreach role based part time within GP surgery Registration with GP practice is key to bridging gap between Roma community, full NHS services and other partners. Partnership approach with a range of community organisations.
To engage targeted individuals their wider families and their social networks in Primary & Secondary care and health improvement. Test out acceptable ways of delivering services to ethnically diverse community. Gathering of information that will inform a locally relevant model of anticipatory care. Aim of new intervention model.
Role of Bi-lingual HI Support. Facillitate uptake of Keep Well/anticipatory care health check. Advocacy role following health check Encourage uptake of relevant services Bi-lingual health improvement support to span organisational boundaries. Conduit for communication across agencies.
Equally Well Next Steps Adopt learning from Roma project to ensure mainstream Keep Well/anticipatory care programmes are inequalities sensitive. Maintain focus on supporting Roma to access culturally sensitive health services. Inform and include local GP practices in wider partnership approach..