Gender Statistics in Georgia Lia Charekishvili Head of Social Infrastructure Statistics Sub- Division, Responsible for Gender Statistics National Statistics Office of Georgia
22 Gender Equality in Georgia Certain institutional and legal steps have been taken in Georgia towards achievement of greater gender equality. Establishment of Advisory Council on Gender Equality Issues at the Speaker of the Parliament in December 2004; Establishment of Governmental Commission for Gender Equality Issues in September 2007;
33 Gender Equality in Georgia In fall 1994 Georgia ratified CEDAW without reservations; Georgia submitted Initial Report to CEDAW in 1998 (instead of 1995) and 2nd and 3rd Periodic Reports in 2003 (Govt. and Shadow reports); Adoption of State Concept of Gender Equality in 2006; Adoption of anti-trafficking and domestic violence laws in 2006; Elaboration of Gender Equality Law, that passed the first hearing in the Parliament in Fall 2009.
4 Gender Statistics in Georgia I would like to inform you that Georgia was actively involved in presentation of the data for UNECE Gender Statistics Website for Europe and North America in 2002, 2007 and 2009 years.
5 Women in Political Decision- Making Women MPs – 4% Women in local self-governance – 11% Women in the Cabinet – 0 out of 18 (0%) Women in judiciary 49% Gender Empowerment Measure – 79 out of 93 countries (HDR )
6 Parliament Membership
7 Women & Men in Local Governance
8 Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation The majority of women are employed in the low-paying fields of agriculture, education, healthcare and light industry; Average nominal monthly salary of women is 54 % of that of men (2008 data) 85% of self-employed women and 74% of self-employed men work in the field of agriculture Women constitute 83% of education sector workers and 85% of healthcare workers Few women own small businesses (Source: Department of Statistics, Women and Men in Georgia, 2008)
9 Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation Population aged 15+ by economic status in 2008, thousand WomenMen Economically active population (Labor force) Employed Hired Self-employed not identified Unemployed Population outside labor force Unemployment rate, % Activity rate, % Employment rate, % Source: Department of Statistics, Georgia
10 Horizontal and Vertical Gender Segregation Average monthly nominal salary of employed by economic activity and sex in 2008 Total, GEL of which: FemaleMale Total Agriculture, hunting & forestry Fishing Mining & quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas & water supply Construction Wholesale&retail trade;repair of motor vehicles,persona&household goods Hotels & restaurants Transport, storage & communications Financial intermediation Real estate, renting & business activities Public administration & defense; compulsory social security Education Health & social work Other community, social & personal service activities