Julie Kenny Career Technical Student Organizations Coordinator Georgia Department of Education
Contact Information Office Phone: (706) Cell Phone: (404)
What is a CTSO? Career and Technical Student Organization
What’s Available to Georgia Students? Nine (9) organizations with over 140,747 members!
Opportunities Georgia Career Student Association Georgia Career Student Association Georgia Career and Technical Instruction Georgia Career and Technical Instruction Georgia DECANational DECA Georgia DECANational DECA Georgia FCCLANational FCCLA Georgia FCCLANational FCCLA Georgia FBLANational FBLA Georgia FBLANational FBLA Georgia FFANational FFA Georgia FFANational FFA Georgia HOSANational HOSA Georgia HOSANational HOSA Georgia SkillsUSANational SkillsUSA Georgia SkillsUSANational SkillsUSA Georgia TSA National TSA Georgia TSA National TSA
Membership FCCLA28,888 FCCLA28,888 CTI5,612 CTI5,612 GCSA6,425 GCSA6,425 HOSA5,860 HOSA5,860 Skills6,222 Skills6,222 DECA8,065 FFA28,441 TSA27,986 FBLA22,435
CTSOs are Intra-Curricular All Georgia Career and Technical Student Organizations are Intra- Curricular, meaning the activities are linked to what is learned in the classroom.
CTSO Core Values Commitment Commitment Conviction Conviction Education Education Integrity Integrity Leadership Leadership Professionalism Recognition Service Teamwork
Energizing the CTSO’s Visit the CTSO website and keep up with what is happening in each CTSO Coming up NextLinks CTSO’s/Foundations FoundationsCalendar EventsAdvisor Resources/Chapter Building
Recruit Students
How Do CTSO’s Keep Students in School? FUN FUN Students are able to apply classroom knowledge to a real world hands-on setting Students are able to apply classroom knowledge to a real world hands-on setting Students have the opportunity for a leadership role Students have the opportunity for a leadership role Connection to industry and business opportunities Connection to industry and business opportunities Creates a seamless transition from middle school to high school Creates a seamless transition from middle school to high school
Affiliation/Support with your CTSO CTI Mary Donahue (Executive Director) CTI Mary Donahue (Executive Director) DECA Rhonda Samples (Executive Director) DECA Rhonda Samples (Executive Director) FBLA Monty Rhodes (Executive Director) FCCLA Vickie Rundbaken (Executive Director)
Affiliation/Support with your CTSO FFA Ben Lastly (Executive Secretary) FFA Ben Lastly (Executive Secretary) GCSA Marcia Strickland (Executive Director) GCSA Marcia Strickland (Executive Director) Georgia HOSA Allen Seigler (Executive Director) SkillsUSA Gayle Silvey (Executive Director)
Affiliation/Support with your CTSO TSA Terri Hancock (Executive Director) TSA Terri Hancock (Executive Director)
Student Leadership Activities Local Level Become a chapter officer Chair or join a committee Communicate the importance of the CTSO to local industry leaders Local Level Become a chapter officer Chair or join a committee Communicate the importance of the CTSO to local industry leaders
Regional Level Become a Regional Representative Become a Regional Representative Promote your CTSO throughout your region Promote your CTSO throughout your region Attend other schools CTSO meetings/activities Attend other schools CTSO meetings/activities
State Level Become a State Officer Become a State Officer Compete in competitive events Compete in competitive events Serve as a voting delegate Serve as a voting delegate Participate in the annual legislative breakfast Participate in the annual legislative breakfast Participate in the Fall Leadership Conference Participate in the Fall Leadership Conference Attend/Participate in the State leadership Conference Attend/Participate in the State leadership Conference Apply for scholarships Apply for scholarships
National Level Become a National Officer Become a National Officer Partake in educational & social learning activities Partake in educational & social learning activities Get involved in leadership academies Get involved in leadership academies Participate in National Competitive Events Participate in National Competitive Events Opportunity to meet people with similar goals across the United States Opportunity to meet people with similar goals across the United States
Competitive Events Area Chapter Contest Chapter Contest Individual Contest Individual Contest Team Contest Team Contest
Competitive Events
Chapter/National Area Community Service Project Community Service Project
National CTSO Week CTIObserves the month of Feb CTIObserves the month of Feb DECAOctober 12 – 18, 2008 DECAOctober 12 – 18, 2008 FBLAFebruary 8 -14, 2009 FBLAFebruary 8 -14, 2009 FCCLAFebruary 9 -13, 2009 FCCLAFebruary 9 -13, 2009 FFAFebruary 16 – 21, 2009 FFAFebruary 16 – 21, 2009 GCSAObserves the month of Feb GCSAObserves the month of Feb HOSANovember 3 -7, 2008 HOSANovember 3 -7, 2008 SkillsUSAFebruary 9 – 13, 2009 SkillsUSAFebruary 9 – 13, 2009 TSAOctober 6 – 10, 2008 TSAOctober 6 – 10, 2008
Stephenson High Speaks out on CTSO’s html html html html
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Support your school’s CTSO’s Support your school’s CTSO’s Attend region, state, and national events Attend region, state, and national events Showcase student achievements in CTSO’s Showcase student achievements in CTSO’s Promote CTSO’s Promote CTSO’s Recognize outstanding advisors in CTSO’s Recognize outstanding advisors in CTSO’s