2/4/2013 Standards: 3 (Stoichiometry) Objectives: ● Students will understand all coefficient mol ratios in balanced eqns. DO NOW: 1. Start your homework. HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 12.1, PP's, p357 2 (a-c), 3 (a, b), Assess 4-6, 7 (a-c), 8 (5 pts) Std 3 ========================================================== BASKET (Stamped): Journal 2/1 (mass vs mol relationships) 1. Ch 12.1, p. 356 PP's 1 (a-e). (3 pts) Std 3 2. Watch my video on apples and oranges, and take notes on everything you see on screen, and give a summary or what you learned from video.(vid on YouTube) (2 pts) Std 3
The next slide is a review of our last lesson.
___Fe + ___O > ___Fe 2 O 3 Mole ratioes of coefficients for balanced chemical equations mol ratio ___ : ___: ___ particle ratio ___ : ___: ___ gram ratio ___ : ___: ___ grams left ___ ggrams right ___ g calc molar masses Conservation of mass works?
The next few slides, model how to do your homework for questions on p (a-c) and 3 (a-b), and #7 (a-c). Show the balanced equation with all arrows shown and numbered. Then show all mole ratios as demonstrated and numbered.
___Fe + ___O > ___Fe 2 O 3 All possible mole ratios of coefficients mol Fe mol O 2 mol O 2 mol Fe 2 O 3 mol O 2 mol Fe mol Fe 2 O 3 mol O 2
___Fe + ___Al 2 O > ___Al + ___Fe 2 O 3 mol Fe mol Al mol Fe mol Al 2 O 3 mol Fe mol Fe 2 O 3 mol Fe mol Al 2 O 3 mol Al mol Al 2 O 3 mol Al mol Fe 2 O 3 mol Al mol Al 2 O 3 mol Fe 2 O 3 mol Al 2 O All possible mole ratios of coefficients
This slide gives you the skeleton equations for each of the reactions given in words equations. These need to be balanced, arrows & their numbers drawn, and mole ratios show as you did in problems 2 & 3.
2/5/2013 Standards: 3 (Stoichiometry) Objectives: ● Students will understand stoichiometry to get from mol of one kind of particle to mol of another kind of particle. DO NOW: 1. Ch 12.2, p. 359 PP 9 Work out showing balance equation & calc. Answers: 12.5 mol H 2 SO 4 and 6.25 mol O 2 (show how to get these ans) HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 12.2 PP's, p , 10 and p , 12 (5 pts) Std 3 ========================================================== BASKET (Stamped): Journal 2/4 (mass vs mol relationships, and mole ratios of coefficients in balanced equations) 1. Ch 12.1, PP's, p357 2 (a-c), 3 (a, b), Assess 4-6, 7 (a-c), 8 (5 pts) Std 3 12 problems total
The following problem models HW problems 9 & 10 on p. 359
Example of how to do DO NOW (which is first problem in HW) Given Find ___SO 2 + ___O 2 + ___H 2 O -----> ___H 2 SO mol O 2 1. ? mol H 2 SO 4 can be made? 2. ? mol SO 2 will be needed? Read prob p. 359 to get reactants & products from word equation
The following problem models HW problems 11 & 12 on p. 360
___HCl + ___Zn -----> ___H 2 + ___ZnCl 2 Given Find 4.4 mol Zn ? grams of H 2 can be produced? Hydrochloric Acid and zinc metal produce hydrogen gas and ZnCl 2 Figure what are reactancts & product from word eqn:
2/6/2013 Standards: 3 (Stoichiometry) Objectives: ● Students will be able to work Percent Yield problems DO NOW: 1. For the following HW problems, just write skeleton & balancedequations, given & find for: p. 372 #28 & 29 (finish them at home) HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 12.2, Assess. p , Ch 12.4, p. 372 PP's (5 pts) Std 3 ============================================================= BASKET (Stamped): Journal 2/5 1. Ch 12.2 PP's, p , 10 and p , 12 (5 pts) Std 3
Percent Yield
What are these? grams ---> mol ---> RP givengiven givengiven givengiven findfind findfind findfind balan ced equa tion grams ---> mol ---> RP givengiven givengiven givengiven findfind findfind findfind bala nce d equ atio n grams ---> mol ---> RP givengiven givengiven givengiven findfind findfind findfind bala nce d equ atio n grams ---> mol -- -> RP givengiven givengiven givengiven findfind findfind findfind bal anc ed equ atio n grams ---> mol ---> RP givengiven givengiven givengiven findfind findfind findfind bala nce d equ atio n grams --- > mol ---> RP givengiven givengiven givengiven findfind findfind findfind balancedequationbalancedequation
grams ---> mol ---> RP given find balanced equation
Theoretical yield xxx x 7.7 g Fe 1 1 mol molar mass molar mass mol ratio = The calculated amount of a product The given amount of a product in a % yield problem. Actual yield
Theoretical yield Actual yield Theoretical yield (calculated) Actual yield (must be given) x 100 = % Yield Theoretical yield (calculated) Actual yield (must be given) x 100 = % Yield T h e or et ic al yi el d (c al c ul at e d) A ct u al yi el d ( m u st b e gi v e n) x =% Yield% Yield
p. 372 #28 #29 Balanced Equation Given Find Balanced Equation
6.02 x mol given find x (given) ---> mol (given) ---> mol (find) ---> (find) Given: 11.7 g Na Find: ? g H 2 O wil be used? 1 mol x 6.02 x Balanced Equation xxx x molar mass molar mass (Theo) molar mass mol ratio molar mass = __Na + __H 2 O ----> __NaOH + __H 2 molar mass mol ratio molar mass = 1 mol x Bal eqn
See links on HW page tonight for SODIUM REACTION
2/7/2013 Standards: 3 (Stoichiometry) Objectives: ● Students will be able to work Percent Yield problems ● Start Review for Ch 12.1, 12.2, 12.4 Quiz ● Demo steel wool combustion, and __Fe + __HCl -----> __H 2 + __FeCl 2 D O NOW: 1. Complete % Yield problems from last night's assignment HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 12 Assess, p , 54, 61, 66. SHOW CALCS. (2 pts) Std 3 2. Standardized Test Pract p (copy q's, give complete reasons and complete answers) 3 pts (Std 3) ============================================================= BASKET (Stamped): Journal 2/6 1. Ch 12.2, Assess. p , Ch 12.4, p. 372 PP's (5 pts) Std 3
HW Explanation for Standardized Test Practice
I've learned: That being kind is more important than being right
Standardized Test Practice - page 383 # 2 ___Na 2 CO 3 + ___Ca(OH) > ___NaOH + ___CaCO 3 Given (see chart) g Na 2 CO g Ca(OH) 2 Find Possible moles of NaOH Start by converting : g Na 2 CO 3 ---> mol Na 2 CO g Ca(OH) 2 ---> mol Ca(OH) 2
p. 378 # 54
p. 379 #66
___C 8 H 18 + ___O > ___CO 2 + ___H 2 O p (tonight's HW) Given Find ?
2/8/2013 Standards: 3 (Stoichiometry) Objectives: ● Students will be able to perform well on Quiz 3.2 (Ch 11 and 12) DO NOW: 1. Mem Ions 4 (40 pts) 1. Do as much of the homework as you can before bell rings. 2. If you OWE ME SENTENCES, have them complete before end of day to avoid a "U" on your 5 week grade report. HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 11.3, 11.5, and Ch 12.1, 12.2, and Quiz 3.2 Practice Test Evens only from both sides. (5 pts) Std 3 ============================================================= BASKET (Stamped): Journal 2/7 1. Ch 12 Assess, p , 54, 61, 66. SHOW CALCS. (2 pts) Std 3 2. Standardized Test Pract p (copy q's, give complete reasons and complete answers) 3 pts (Std 3)
DIRECTIONS: ● Use a separate sheet of paper. ● Questions with calculations, given and find, show calculations and circle your answer. ● Questions that don’t require calculations, copy entire question, write answer (not just letter), and reason withpage #, OR give VERY COMPLETE sentence for answer that makes the question obvious & page #. (10 pts) Std 3