Query Health Technical WG 4/19/2012
Agenda TopicTime Slot Administrative stuff and reminders2:05 – 2:10 pm F2F Recap2:10 – 2:30 pm HQMF Translator UML2:30 – 3:00 pm
Administrative Reminders All the F2F material, meeting minutes and discussions are posted at:
F2F Summary – Single Slide Established clear goals to deliver Query Health Specifications, RI and Pilots. Specifications HQMF – Agreed on IG outline and key areas that need to be further analyzed/flushed out before completing the IG. QRDA – Identified areas and deficiencies of the current IG Query Envelope – Release for Consensus on 4/20/2012 Reference Implementation HQMF Translators – Identified intermediate UML/XML model that simplifies the ability to translate from HQMF to procedural outputs Pilots Established near term timeline and milestones Made key decisions for NY Pilot ontology and vocabulary Made decisions on conceptual / physical architecture for the pilot.
F2F Summary Thursday Morning RI and Coding Sessions: Reviewed existing SQL Translator Reviewed Java Script Translator Discussed the complexity of translating from HQMF to implementation languages like SQL / Java Script etc. Key Outcome: Outlined approach to solve the problem in a generic way such that it is easier to accomplish the required translation. HQMF Intermediate Model (UML and XML) Implementation Language Intermediate Model based on translation experience gained through SQL and Java Script Translators. Model captures the required elements for the translation and reduces the amount of RIM/HL7 Expertise required. Thursday Morning HQMF and QRDA Sample Representation Sessions Provided overview of HQMF and QRDA to volunteers and community participants Received a number of good comments based on current QRDA ballot and made notes on changes required
F2F Summary Cont’d Thursday Morning Pilot Sessions: (NY DOH) Discussed Pilot Plans and other activities. Key Outcomes: Create an Ontology Tree for Queries in i2B2 based on Green CDA representation. Vocabularies to be based on a combination of i2B2 SHRINE, i2B2 SMART and i2B2 Demo ontologies. Capture creation of ontologies and mapping of e-Clinical Works data model process to add to the CEDD Implementation Guidance sections to guide future efforts Decided on the Pilot Architecture for instantiating the test system.
NY DOH Pilot Test System PMN Portal PMN Data Client HQMF to i2B2 Translator i2B2 Execution Engine eClinical Works i2B2 to QRDA Translator i2B2 Query and Results UX HQMF QRDA Conceptual View Physical View Lincoln Peak Data Center i2B2 Query and Results UX PMN Portal NYC DOH PMN Data Client HQMF i2B2 Translator i2B2 Execution Engine eClinical Works EMR test system
F2F Summary Cont’d Thursday Afternoon Session – HQMF Review Key Activity : Reviewed HQMF issues list and Sample Measures from NQF Key Outcomes: Identified Areas that need to be flushed out further with samples and additional work: Expression Formats Analyze Java Scripts availability on various platforms before finalizing recommendation Temporally Related ActRelationship needs to further flushed out with examples Add Header Element to address Patient Level Queries Support Multiple Population criteria elements within a Query but constrain HQMF to carry a single query. Ability to count things other than patients like encounters Ratio and Continuous Variable Measures from NQF: These are complex measures and require the ability to perform MATH calculations such as average, median etc. Need to re-evaluate the needs of these capabilities from a pilot / CQM coverage standpoint.
F2F Summary Cont’d Friday Morning Session – QRDA Review Key Activity: Reviewed QRDA IG Key Outcomes: Synchronize IG with current ballot modifications for QRDA Level 1 Add definitions and concepts to IG and align with HQMF Define XML Structure for stratification of results Define XML Structure for multiple numerators/denominators within a query Define XML structure for linking to HQMF document Add examples for queries and their results
HQMF Translator – UML Model From the F2F we decided to translate from HQMF to Implementation languages it would be really efficient to have a UML Model that can be used as a standard. HQMF UML Model (Implemented as XSD) SQL / Java Script etc.
Next Steps Consensus Voting Please submit your votes for Query Envelope when the consensus call is issued Specification Usage Review the HQMF To Procedural Translator UML Model and provide comments Volunteers needed to represent Sample Queries using revised HQMF models and schemas. Volunteers requiring access to the code repository Please sign up for a google account at Project Repository - Sign up for the RI at