News from CERN and CERN Council (July 2014– June 2015) Olivier Schneider CHIPP plenary meeting Château de Bossey July 1, 2015
Swiss delegation oDelegation from Switzerland to CERN Council: —Mr Bruno Moor (SERI = State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation ) —Prof. Olivier Schneider (EPFL) also attending meetings of the Scientific Policy Committee oSwiss members of Finance Committee: —Dr Laurent Salzarulo (FFA = Federal Finance Administration ) —Dr Martin Steinacher (SERI = State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation ) oAdvisors: —Mr Claude Crottaz (FDFA = Federal Department of Foreign Affairs ) —Mr Patrick Pardo (FDFA = Federal Department of Foreign Affairs ) also Swiss representative in CERN’s Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) —... 2O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg
New CERN management (2016–) oDr Fabiola Gianotti —unanimously appointed by Council (in Dec 2014) as the next CERN DG for the the 5-year period starting in Jan 2016 oTop-level management structure, proposed by DG elect: —Director for Accelerator and Technology Dr Frederick Bordry, re-appointed by Council (in Mar 2015) for the period Jan 2016 – July 2019 —Director for Research and Computing —Director for Finance and Human Resources —Director for International Relations (new position) O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg3
Other elections/appointments —Prof. Agnieszka Zalewska re-elected as Council president for a third one-year term starting in Jan 2015 —Prof. Walter Van Doninck re-elected as Council vice-president for a third one-year term starting in Jan 2015 —Dr Catherine Césarsky re-elected as Council vice-president for a third one-year term starting in July 2015 —Mrs Charlotte Jamieson re-elected as chair of the Finance Committee for a second one-year term starting in Jan 2015 —Mr Martin Bulánek re-elected as vice-chair of the Finance Committee for a second one-year mandate starting in Jan 2015 —Prof. Tatsuya Nakada re-appointed as chair of the Scientific Policy Committee for a second one-year mandate starting on Jan 2015 —Mr Bernard Dormy was re-elected as chair of TREF (Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum) for a second three-year term starting in Jan 2015 —Dr Sylvain Weisz was re-appointed as vice-chair of the Pension Fund Governing Board until May 2016 O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg4
LIU +HL-LHC + Phase 2 upgrades oESFRI roadmap update: —In March 2015, submission of a proposal for the inclusion of the HL-LHC upgrade in the 2016 update of the ESFRI roadmap (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) —This includes not the accelerator upgrade, the detector upgrades and the WLCG computing effort —Expected to help securing the national funding needed by the experiments for the detector upgrades and the computing oCost and schedule review of the machine (March 2015): —main findings is that new excavation for cryogenic plant extension cannot be done during LHC operation extend LS2 oApproval process of Phase-2 upgrades of ATLAS and CMS: —« scoping » documents being produced, comparing the physics performance under three cost scenarios (200, 235, 275 MCHF per experiment) —first recommendations and preliminary funding matrix expected in the fall O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg5
Draft MTP 2016–2020 (June 2015) oIn line with the European Strategy for Particle Physics oMain features: —saving of 60 MCHF from the appreciation of the Swiss franc (which Council may want to claim as a rebate of the Member States contributions to the 2015 budget) —increase of 116 MCHF in the cost estimate of HL-LHC, as compared to 2011 estimate —delayed and prolonged Long Shutdown 2 of LHC —reduced increase of resource allocation to the FCC study — ramp-down of the CLIC activities —in-kind contribution to the US long-baseline neutrino programme, in the form of one of the four cryostats for the DUNE experiment —a 10–15% reduction in the general consolidation of CERN infrastructure —a 10% reduction in the fellowship funding —no support for new projects in the fixed-target programme, e.g. TSR (test storage ring) installation at HIE-ISOLDE oSignificant reduction of the peak cumulative budget deficit as compared to the previous MTP (from 540 MCHF to ≤ 400 MCHF) O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg6
New LHC schedule O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg7
Cumulative budget deficit LHC construction HL-LHC construction 8O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg
CERN enlargement process oTurkey became Associate member state on May 6, 2015 oStates with official status at CERN, towards full membership: —Romania, Candidate for Accession since 2008 Council decided in June 2015 to admit Romania as the 22nd Member State —Republic of Serbia, Associate Member Sate in the pre-stage to Membership since 2012 oStates progressing towards Associate Membership in the pre-stage to Membership: —Cyprus: waiting for parliament approval (new deadline until Oct 2015) —Slovenia: not much progress since 2011 oStates progessing towards Associate Membership: —Ukraine, Russia, Brazil, Pakistan: model agreement sent by CERN, waiting for country (final) approval since at least a year 9O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg
CERN enlargement process oStates having applied for Associate Membership: —India applied in May 2015 —Croatia applied in May 2014 CERN waiting for response to send task force oRecent contacts in view of a possible application: —Argentina, Azerbaïdjan, Georgia, Lithuania oNew observer status: —CERN and JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna granted each other observer status in fall 2014 oInternational co-operation agreement (ICA) = « framework agreement »: —signed with USA on May 7, O. Schneider, June 30, 2014CHIPP Plenary, Fribourg