The Reading List Service at GCU Marian Miller Senior Librarian & Resource Manager
History Funded project Spring 1995 (10 weeks) Trainee Librarian seconded to Social Sciences department to work with academics To help them to create & update Reading lists (linked to preparation for the TQA - Teaching Quality Assessment) for BA SS Programme students
History BASS programme consisted of 6 modules p.a. core & optional Funding also provided pump priming for multiple copies & update of texts for the library 1 copy per 10 students for core texts
History Departmental book funds (library calculated allocation based on FTE & average book price for the subject) Controlled by Lib Rep (academic) Short loan collection (& variable loans) Offprints
History All items indexed in Library catalogue Searchable by Module code Module title Lecturer
Evolution Top sliced Reading List fund growth in Eresources (ejournals/ebooks) VLE Scanning service (through CLA)
Policy & Procedures Call for reading lists sent out to all departments & schools 2x a year (April & December) Module code/title Lecturer Number of students
Statistics 2012 – 2013 (June)334 lists6184 titles lists6646 titles lists7822 titles lists8769 titles