By: Zach F
Location Top 3 populated cities – Landforms - 1 New York City Appalachian Mountains 2 Boston Resources - 3 Philadelphia coal, zinc, stone Relevant Location – East of the Great Lakes, West of the Atlantic Ocean, Northeast of Mexico, Southeast of Canada Latitude and Longitude of largest city – New York City – 40N 74W
Place Religion - Most people are Roman Catholic Major Landforms – The Appalachian Mountains run through the northeast region Climate – Yearly precipitation – 46 inches Cool winters – moderately warm summers
Human Environmental-Interactions Unemployment rate – 7.9% (Dec. 2011) Climate in this region has effected people by causing them to use heaters and wear warm clothes in winter and use A/C’s in summer.
Movement Transporting goods – Airports, Highways, railways, trucks, cars, planes, trains. People live in populated areas for the larger community and bigger chance for jobs. An interesting custom/tradition is that on New Year’s Eve every year, many people gather in Times Square to wait for the new year.
Region Tourist attractions – Statue of liberty, New York New York City, New York Central Park, New York Independence Hall, Pennsylvania Unique Characteristics – Appalachian Mountains
Citations "New York, New York latitude/longitude." Trip Calculator - N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb < "Northeast." ThinkQuest : Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb < ge1 Month. "Northeast Region Economy at a Glance." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb <