STATUS OF THE 14.5 GHz ALL-PERMANENT ECRIS „SOPHIE“ Ernst Galutschek Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU-Wien, Austria LEIF COOPERATION Technische Universität Wien: F. Aumayr, HP. Winter Justus Liebig Universität Gießen: E. Salzborn, R. Trassl Hahn Meitner Institut Berlin: N. Stolterfoht, J. Bundesmann
Ion Beam
material: VACODYM 655 HR (Nd-Fe-B) provided by:
+6.5 kV-280 V 1.4 mA Ar mm rad at z = 15 mm
status of ion-source parameters „scope“ to plot ion source parameters vs. time or two parameters against each other pull down menue structure simply defined by EXCEL-sheet CODIAN - an easily adoptable LabView program to control ECR ion sources - developed by: J. Bundesmann from the HMI Berlin
- HV-power supplies - MW-oscillator - separation magnet / magnetic lens - leakage valves - pressure gauges - faraday cups - magnetic field of separation magnet - refelected MW-power TWT-Amplifier national NI x 16 Bit Analog Output national NI 6034E 16 x 16 Bit Analog Input RS 232 serial interface BNC Interface Box BNC cables CODIAN PC
Argon charge state distributions support gas: Helium Extraktion Voltage: 4 kV optimised for Ar WAr nA 50 WAr nA 75 WAr nA 100 WAr nA 150 WAr nA 170 WAr nA
Ar nA Ar 8+ /Ar 9+ = 3.7 = support gas: He Extraction Voltage: 4kV optimised for Ar 8+