Spider The Lightcatcher
Work contents Idea Idea Allocating duties Allocating duties Designing and making the project Designing and making the project Programming Programming Checking in real conditions Checking in real conditions Presentation Presentation
Idea The device is compact and simple to deal with. It consists of the frame, microcontroller, 4 receivers, lens and LEDs.The light is focused on receivers by the lens; voltages on the receivers become input signals of microcontroller, then it turns on LEDs in certain combinations depending on the source of light coordinates.
Allocating duties
Designing and making the project Scheme was the first step!!!
Then a suitable atmosphere were made Then a suitable atmosphere were made
At last the process started…
And we’ve got the next…
Programming The ADC (analog to digital converter) in microcontroller translates an analog input signal on receivers to a digital output value representing the size of the input relative to a reference. Then this value is compared with the limit.The microcontroller repeats this operation 4 times (4 receivers are used). The program reads digital codes, converted by ADC, and then analyses them in the subprogram of interrupt processing, and turns on LEDs in different combinations. Instructions of ‘compare register with immediate’ type are used in this program. In ‘double’ combinations masks also helps us to make the program shorter and more convenient. Instructions of ‘compare register with immediate’ type are used in this program. In ‘double’ combinations masks also helps us to make the program shorter and more convenient.
Checking in real conditions
On the project worked: Ekaterina Kharitonenko Alexei Ignatov Tatiana Karazhbei Thank you for attention