Prototype Test of SPring-8 FADC Module Da-Shung Su Wen-Chen Chang 02/07/2002.


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Presentation transcript:

Prototype Test of SPring-8 FADC Module Da-Shung Su Wen-Chen Chang 02/07/2002


Status of Prototype Test 4-channel FADC card: –Conversion of analog input into digital output in differential OPA and FADC. –Functionality of shift register in FPGA. –Functionality of data writing into FIFO from FPGA. FADC mother board: –Functionality of single action of VME “read” and “write” by NI-VXI software.

To be finished before TPC on-site test 03/03-03/15 Zero suppression and fine timing tuning in FPGA. Implement VME BLT read action into CPLD. Stuffing 16 4-channel FADC cards and 2 FADC mother boards. Overall system test using TEXONO DAQ for reading calibration pulse. Exercising the coordination with trigger and DAQ system. Check the validity of offline reconstruction of data.

SPring-8 FADC Module (4 channels, 10 bits, 40 MHz) OPA FADC FPGA FIFO


FADC Mother Board CPLD Driver Clock Driver VME Connector

FADC Mother Board


Left: FADC input Right: FADC readout Clock: 10 MHz

Digital Delay in FPGA: functioning of Shift Register 8 micro-sec (80 time bins) delay

Logic Analyzer: FPGA->FIFO Time bin counter Header of event ADC Write of event Time Write of event Trailer of event

Data Format CS001NDFADC Module number (1-64)Channel Number (1-32) CS010ND ADC (0-1024) CS100ND Number of data bins (0-600) CS Time (0-1024) Header ADC Time Trailer CS: CheckSum bit ND: Not defined. Lowest Bit

FADC VME Action List (A24/D16) 0x0i0000: address to write 0x0100 for resetting the FADC i. (Address modifier: 0x3D). 0x0i0001: address to write for setting the sampling count of FADC i. (Address modifier: 0x3D). 0x0i0100: address to read the merged 32 FIFOs’ content in BLT mode for FADC i. (Address modifier: 0x3B, 0x3F). 0x0i0101: address to read the BLT reading cycle for FADC i. (Address modifier: 0x3B, 0x3F). 0x0i0000+j*0x000100: address to read the single FIFO content in AO mode for channel j. (Address modifier: 0x3D) 0x0i0000+j*0x000102: address to write for setting the zero- suppression threshold for channel j. (Address modifier: 0x3D)

The Control Flow of FADC < 5 events Send IRQ to VME CPU CPU start read action CPU send reset FADC set ready Clear trigger Veto Yes No Start Measurement Trigger Count *Veto NIM CPLD FADC Trigger Clock 100MHz Trigger signal Trigger FADC Clear FADC Module Preamplifier Module For each channel VME CPU Reset Master Slave

Things to finish up during SPring-8 visit Complete one full 32-channel FADC module. Finalize and implement the VME action list. Determine and implement the default values for shift register length and sampling count. Implement the functions of “reset” and “ready” on the front-panel inputs and the definition of LED light. Fix up the gain range and signal coupling on the analog input. DAQ.

Things to do after Spring-8 visit Finish up another 32-channel FADC module and ship it for use by the end of March. Get the feedback and finalize the layout and part lists for FADC modules. Issue the purchase orders of electronic parts and board fabrication by 04/15.