There Are Many Insects in Uncle Tom’s Office Let’s Get Ready Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Theme Words Reading Work On It Listen Up Pronunciation Activity More.


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Presentation transcript:

There Are Many Insects in Uncle Tom’s Office Let’s Get Ready Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Theme Words Reading Work On It Listen Up Pronunciation Activity More To Do Grammar Focus Reading Comprehension

Let’s Get Ready Look and say: What do you see in the picture?

Let’s Get Ready (Answer) 參考答案:  butterfly (蝴蝶)  frog (青蛙) bee (蜜蜂)  spider (蜘蛛) bug (小蟲)  ant (螞蟻) Look and say: What do you see in the picture?

Dialogue 1 (Sally’s uncle is a science teacher.) Sally: Uncle Tom, there are so many insects in your office. There are butterflies, ants, bees…. Sally’s uncle: Sally, the insects are very special. Sally: These bugs are beautiful. Where are they from? Sally’s uncle: They’re from South America. Sally: Look, there’s a butterfly over there. It’s so big. Sally’s uncle: Yes, it is. And it’s from a rain forest. 中譯 解析

Dialogue 1 (中譯) (莎莉的叔叔是一位自然老師。) Sally: 湯姆叔叔 ,在你的辦公室有很多昆蟲。 有蝴蝶、螞蟻、蜜蜂 … 。 Sally’s uncle: 莎莉,這些昆蟲很特別。 Sally: 這些昆蟲很漂亮。牠們來自哪裡? Sally’s uncle: 牠們來自南美洲。 Sally: 看!那裡有一隻 蝴蝶。好大隻啊! Sally’s uncle: 是的。牠來自雨 林。 英文

重點講解 (對話篇 1 ) 1. Uncle Tom 為「稱呼語」,可放句首或句尾。 2. there are so many insects in your office 句型: There are ( +數字 / many / some) +複數名詞 + in / under / at / on + the ( 或所有格 ) +地方. 在 … (地方) 有 … 。此句真主詞為 insects ,故用複數 be 動詞 “are” 。 3. And it’s from a rain forest. 本句的 it 指 butterfly 。 be 動詞+ from… = come from… → 來自 … 本句也可用 And it comes from a rain forest. 表示。 Dialogue 1

Quiz (對話篇 1 ) 1. 他的辦公室裡有很多昆蟲。 ______________________________________________ 2. 鉛筆盒裡有一支尺。 ______________________________________________ 3. 這些昆蟲很特別也很漂亮。 ______________________________________________ 4. 牠們來自於哪裡? ______________________________________________ 5. 看!那裡有一隻特別的蜜蜂。 ______________________________________________ Dialogue 1 There are many insects in his office. There is a ruler in the pencil box. The insects are very special and beautiful. Where are they from? Look! There’s a special bee over there.

Dialogue 2 (Tony and Eric are at Sea World.) Tony: Wow! There are so many sharks in the water. Eric: Is it safe here? Tony: Yes. The glass is very thick. Eric: Look. There’s a large shark. It’s swinging its tail. Tony: No, it’s not a shark. It’s a killer whale. Eric: It’s scary. Are there any sea turtles? Tony: Yes. They’re over there in the corner. Eric: There are so many wonderful things here. Let’s come again. 中譯 解析 聽力內容 ˇ ˇ ˇ

Dialogue 2 (中譯) (東尼和艾略克在海洋世界。) Tony: 哇!水中有好多鯊魚啊。 Eric: 這裡安全嗎? Tony: 是的。這玻璃很厚 Eric: 看。有一隻大鯊魚。 牠在擺動尾巴。 Tony: 不,那不是鯊魚。那是殺人鯨。 Eric: 牠好可怕。有任何的海龜嗎? Tony: 是的。牠們就在角落處。 Eric: 這裡有好多很棒的事物。我們還要再來! 英文

重點講解 (對話篇 2 ) 1. The glass is very thick. glass 在本句解釋為「玻璃」,是不可數名詞,前面不 可加 a 或數字,字尾也不加 es 。後面接單數動詞 “is” 。 2. Is / Are there…? “ There be” 句型的疑問句只須將 be 動詞移到句首, 便 可形成疑問句。 any 通常用於否定句或疑問句中,後接 名詞,肯定句則改為 “some” 。 Dialogue 2

Quiz (對話篇 2 ) 1. How’s the glass? (thick) __________________________________________________ 2. 水裡有很多隻烏龜。 __________________________________________________ 3. 牠在搖擺牠的尾巴。 __________________________________________________ 4. 有任何的殺人鯨嗎? __________________________________________________ 5. 這裡有好多很棒的事物。 __________________________________________________ The glass is thick. There are many turtles in the water. It’s swinging its tail. Is there any killer whale? There are (so) many wonderful things here. Dialogue 2

Theme Words Look and say. A butterflyantbeebug(s)

Anna: What’s this? Lucy: It’s an ________. ant Theme Words Look and write. Sam: What’s that in the box? Nancy: A _________ is in it. Joe: Don’t go there! There are many _________. George: All right! Rose: Look! There are butterflies two ____________ over there. Stacy: Wow! They’re so beautiful! bee butterflies bugs B

Reading 中譯 解析 Sally’s uncle is a science teacher. There are many dead insects, spiders, and frogs in his office. They are all from a rain forest in South America. Sally is looking at these special insects. The butterflies and the tree frogs are beautiful. But some spiders are large and scary. Sally’s uncle is talking to Sally about these special things from nature.

莎莉的叔叔是位科學老師 Reading (中譯) 莎莉的叔叔是一位科學老師。在他的辦公室有 很多死掉的昆蟲、蜘蛛及青蛙。它們都來自於南美 洲的一個雨林。莎莉正在看這些特別的昆蟲。蝴蝶 和樹蛙很漂亮。但是有些蜘蛛很大也很可怕。莎莉 的叔叔正在跟莎莉談 這些來自大自然的特 殊生物。 英文

重點講解 (閱讀) 1. Sally is looking at these special insects. look at +受格 → 看 … 受格不論是名詞或代名詞,都放在 at 後面。 2. Sally’s uncle is talking to Sally about these special things from nature. talk to +人 ( 受格 ) / talk with +人 ( 受格 ) → 跟 … (人) 談話 talk about +事物或人 ( 受格 ) → 談論(關於) … (事物/人) Reading

Quiz (閱讀篇) ( ) 1. There ______ many dead insects in the office. (A) is(B) are(C) be(D) been ( ) 2. They are ______ a rain forest in South America. (A) over(B) under(C) from(D) with ( ) 3. Jay is talking ______ Sally ______ these special things. (A) to; in(B) on; at(C) to; about(D) about; to 4. Mary 正在觀賞這些特別的昆蟲。 _________________________________________________________ 5. 一些蜘蛛很大隻而且很可怕。 _________________________________________________________ Mary is looking at these special insects. Some spiders are large and scary. Reading B C C

Read and choose. ____ 1. Where are the insects from? (A) South America. (B) The US. (C) The U.K. 2. Where is Sally? (A) She’s in the park. (B) She’s in the classroom. (C) She’s in her uncle’s office. 3. Where are Sally and her uncle talking about? (A) Markers and erasers. (B) Insects and tree frogs. (C) Sharks and turtles. A C B Reading Comprehension

There is an egg a girl on the desk. in the classroom. There are four students many dogs in the library. in the park. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A

Make sentences. ruler / box There is a ruler in the pencil box. 1. orange / table There _________ _________ ____________ on the table. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A Example is an orange

2. turtle / pond There _______ _________.turtles in the _________. 3. spider / wall _____________________________ Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A aretwo pond There is a spider on the wall.

4. ant / park 5. bee / flower Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A _____________________________ ___________________________________ There are three bees on the flowers. There are five ants in the park.

Is thereany problem? Arestudentsin the classroom? Yes, there is a problem. are seven students in the classroom. No, isn’t any problem. aren’t students in the classroom. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B

Q: Is there an eraser in the pencil box? A: No, there isn’t any eraser in the pencil box. / There are three pencils in the pencil box. Q: ______ _________.any comic books on the chair? A: No, there _________ ________comic books on the chair. / There is a cat on the chair. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B Ask and answer the questions. 1. Example Are there aren’t any

Q: Is there a boy in the kitchen? A: _______________________________ Q: ________________________________ A: Yes, there are three animals in the park. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B Yes, there is a boy in the kitchen. Are there any animals in the park?

Work On It Look at the picture and complete the sentences with is, isn’t, are, aren’t, and any. This is a classroom. 1. There ________ _______ students. 2. There ________ two pictures. 3. There ________.a clock. 4. There ________ 5. There ________.three boxes. 6. There ________ _________ books.. A aren’t are is isn’t any

Work On It Circle the correct answers. Look at the water. There ( is / are ) a large sea turtle in it. There ( is / are ) many sharks in it, too. They are ( hanging / swinging ) their tails. These ( is / are ) small sea turtles ( in / under ) the corner. They are sleeping. B

True or false. Listen Up A ˇ ˇˇ ˇ ˇ 聽力內容

Listen and choose. 1 (A) No. There aren’t any bugs in it. (B) The bugs are scary. (C) Yes, they’re on the bed. (A) It’s swinging its tail. (B) It’s in the corner. (C) It’s large. (A) They’re in the tree. (B) They’re small. (C) South America. (A) She’s in her uncle’s office. (B) She’s thirteen. (C) She’s talking to her uncle. (A) No. It’s from a rain forest. (B) Yes, it’s thick. (C) Yes, it’s scary. A 2345 B CC B Listen Up B

Pronunciation Listen and repeat. shipusuallycheapjuice shorttreasurechairjump fish televisio n kitchengym Englishgaragelunchorange A

Pronunciation Listen and choose _____ AABB B 聽力內容

Pronunciation Listen and practice. 1. Sherry is washing dishes on the ship. 2. They usually watch television in the garage. 3. Cherry eats chicken and cheese in the kitchen. 4. James is drinking orange juice in the gym. C

1. Q: _______________________ A: ___________________________ 2. Q: _______________________.A: ___________________________. 3. Q: _______________________.A: ___________________________. 4. Q: _______________________.A: ___________________________ Activity Write and ask. ( Use there is or there are. ) Example Q: What is there on the wall? A: There is a picture on the wall. A What’s there on the desk?There is a book on the desk. What’s there in the picture? There is a spider in the picture. What’s there on the desk?There is a dead frog on the desk. What’s there in the classroom? There are many dead insects in the classroom.

Game (Choose cards and make sentences.) Activity Example There are two sharks in the water. B

Look and read. More To Do (optional) A There is a student studying in the library. There is a dog sleeping on the sofa. There is a boy washing his dog in the garden. There are two girls cooking in the kitchen.

There is a cat eating in the living room. There are two men running in the park. There is a boy sending s in the room. There are three girls doing their homework in the library. More To Do (optional) 5876

Find a partner and ask the question. Q: Is / Are there ______________________ in the _______________________________? A: Yes / No, __________________________. More To Do (optional) B 自由作答

1. many (adj.) 很多的 There are many students in the library. 2. insect (n.) 昆蟲 There are many insects in the park. 3. science (n.) 科學 John is a science teacher. 4. butterfly (n.) 蝴蝶 There is a butterfly over there. 5. ant (n.) 螞蟻 There are two ants on the table. 6. bee (n.) 蜜蜂 There is a bee on the flower. 7. special (adj.) 特別的 The special present is for Mary. 8. bug (n.) 小蟲 The bugs are from America. 9. South America (n.) 南美洲 Mary is from South America. 10. rain forest (n.) 雨林 There are rain forests in South America. Words- Dialogue 1 單字解析 Dialogue 1

1. Sea World (n.) 海洋世界 There is a shark at Sea World. 2. shark (n.) 鯊魚 There isn’t any shark in the water. 3. water (n.) 水 There is no water in the glass. 4. safe (adj.) 安全的 David is safe in the classroom. 5. thick (adj.) 厚的 The book is thick. 6. swing (v.) 搖擺 The shark is swinging its tail. 7. tail (n.) 尾巴 The dog’s tail is long, not short. 8. killer whale (n.) 殺人鯨 The killer whale is not from South America. 9. turtle (n.) 烏龜 There are many small turtles in the pond. Words- Dialogue 2 單字解析 Dialogue 2

Words- Reading 1. dead (adj.) 死的 There is a dead spider on the bed. 2. spider (n.) 蜘蛛 There is a spider on the wall. 3. frog (n.) 青蛙 There are two frogs in the pond. 4. all (pron.) 所有的人/物 You are all beautiful. 5. some (adj.) 一些 Some students are talking in the classroom. 6. nature (n.) 自然 Sally and Nora are talking about nature. 單字解析 Reading

True or false 聽力內容 1. There are many insects in Uncle Tom’s office. 2. The large butterfly is from a rain forest. 3. Many sea turtles are swinging their tails in the water. True or false

Listen Up 聽力內容 A.True or false. 1. Eric is a math teacher. 2. There are many frogs in the kitchen. 3. There are many bees in the tree. 4. There is a frog in the pond. B. Listen and choose. 1. Are there any bugs in your office? 2. Where’s the shark? 3. Where are the frogs from? 4. What is Sally doing? 5. Is the glass thick? Listen Up-A Listen Up-B

Pronunciation 聽力內容 B. Listen and choose. 請選出發音不相同的字 1. (A) shop(B) chop(C) chop 2. (A) cheap(B) jeep(C) jeep 3. (A) wash(B) watch(C) wash 4. (A) shake(B) jake(C) shake Pronunciation-B