英语语音 冯晓锐 Rita feng Send to:
课程内容 一 音标学习 48 个音标 元音 单元音 双元音 辅音 清辅音 浊辅音 二 基本语音知识 英语中常见的联读 重音与节奏 语调的学习
Part one: [i:] 和 [i] [i:] words: Freeze see deal (It’s a deal) bean (Mr. bean's holiday) (coffee beans) green (a green hand) bee (no bees, no honey. no work, no money) cheap (not expensive) receive key (that’s the key point) police key (that’s the key point) police sentences I am so proud of you Please see me in three weeks! Teenagers should eat a lot of beef. It’s my treat today. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Neither he nor she believes that I see the sleeping sheep.
Part one: [i:] 和 [i] [i] words : big (a big big girl) pig hit (hit a big pig) lip (lipstick) zip (zip your lips!) Kid (Are you kidding me?) (kids English) Business ( business is business) win (winner) still kill (killer, lady killer) list chips (fish and chips) prison (prison break) miss kiss sentences It’s a pity they missed the outing. A pig falls into a big pit. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Comparison between the above two vowels 发音还是有点差别的,发 [i:] 音时,双唇扁平,发 音较长;而发短音 [i] 时,要求短促有力,舌尖有 回抽的趋势,不过不太明显。下面是一组对比的 发音, 细细体会: ( 前长后短 ) seat _ sit, leave_ live, deed _ did, beat _bit, beach_bitch (female of a dog) beat _bit, beach_bitch (female of a dog) Tongue twister: I’ll sit as still as a hill, will you sit still, Bill ?
Part two: [ǽ] and [e] [e] words : Bed pet bet vet (wet) friend (friends) forget end (the end) get (I get your message) best head many step (step by step) September sentences sentences His friend likes to eat eggs. You bet it. Come on! It’s not the end of the world. Better late than never. East or west, home is best.
Part two: [ǽ] and [e] [ǽ] words : man (oh, man) mad ( go mad) bad (compare with “bed”) cat fat (a fat cat) bag hand (handbag) cash (cashier) bank catch back (backstreet boys ) cab (taxi) jam (a traffic jam) bat sentences : sentences : Jane had lost her handbag Let the cat out of the bag. The fat cat is in the bag. Have they carried the cash to the bank ? Pat married a handsome young man and had a happy life
Comparison between the above two vowels 此二音标的区别主要在于口型的大小,前一个音,双唇 后拉且张度要大,嘴角的肌肉较为紧张,而后一个音则相 对的不那么夸张,用词作对比: bad _ bed, dad _dead, had _head, sat _ set, bat _ bet sat _ set, bat _ bet Tongue twister: Canners can can what they can can,but can not can things can’t be can’t. Ann sent Andy ten hens, and Andy sent Ann ten pens. Good,better, best,never let it rest, till good is better and better best.
Part three : [a:] 和 [ Λ ] [a:] words: bar (coffee bar, chocolate bar) car dark (dark blue) park star class art large far sentences: He parked his car in front of the bar at last. Mr. Smith was looking for his glasses in the dark classroom. [Λ][Λ][Λ][Λ] words: cup (a cup of tea) luck (good luck, I ‘m a lucky dog) money shut (shut the book, shut up) son (sun) up dove love blood trouble sentences : sentences : He cut his thumb carelessly. But me no buts( 别老跟我 ” 但是 ”) Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. This is a two-thumb-up movie.
Comparison between the above two vowels 二者在发音规则上有很大的区别,发长音 [a:] 时的口 型要比发短音 [ ∧ ] 时的大; 从气流的长短看:发 [a:] 音时气流畅通,发音较长,而发 [ ∧ ] 音时气流受阻, 极为短促。下面是一组对比的发音: ( 前者为长音, 后者为短音,只知其音即可,不一定要求知其意 ) task _tusk, march _much, dark _duck, last _lust, cart _cut
Little poem Twinkle, twinkle,little star, How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle,little star, How I wonder what you are.
Part four: [u:] 和 [u] [u:] words : blue (a blue movie, a blue girl, I ‘m in blue. I’m blue.) Cool (wow, cool ) moon soup food suit (a man’s suit, a woman’s suit) do lose (lose face, lose heart, lose one’s heart) rude shoe( shoe shop, shoelace) true sentences : Who knows the truth? It’s too good to be true. Luke will choose a pair of blue shoes to take to school to use.
Part four: [u:] 和 [u] [u] words : book cook sugar ( find a sugar daddy) wool foot push would stood good sentences : The woman couldn’t push the cart full of wood. They shook hands and stood talking for a while.
Comparison between the above two vowels Fool( 长 ) _ full, pool _ pull, cool _ cook, roof _wolf Tongue twister : At noon I took a good book and sat by the pool in the wood. I soon took off my boot ( 长 ) And put my foot in the pool ( 长 ) Oh, how cool, how cool
Part five: [ə:] and [ə] [ə:] words: bird ( bird flu) term skirt work burn first sentences: We will have learned five hundred English new words by the end of this term. He was thirty when he returned from work. [ə] words: baker matter later paper(a piece of paper) again (time and time again) ago forget member correct sister sentences : The old tree is five metres( 公尺 ) higher than that wall Peter’s brother usually reads newspapers on Saturday afternoon.
Tongue twister: [ə:] The first person in a dirty shirt works in the third firm. Dialogue: [ə] A: I’m going to the doctor B: can you get something for me at the supermarket ? A: But the supermarket is a long way from the doctor. B: No, not that supermarket. Not the one that’s next to movie theater. I mean the one that’s near the butcher. A: oh, that one, Well, what do you want me to get ? B: Some bread and a can of fish and an onion.