Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Outreach to Parents to Increase Enrollment of SES
Communicating With Parents- Legislative References Title IX: Section 9101 (32) Parent Involvement Definition- “the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that- parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in Sec. 1118” Bob Witherspoon
Title I Section (8) Requirement State Plans: “(d) Parental Involvement. Each State plan shall describe how the State will support the collection and dissemination to local educational agencies and schools of effective parent involvement practices.”
Title I “Section 1116 (E)Public School Choice (3)School Plan “(vi) describe how the school will provide written notice about the identification to parents of each student enrolled in such school, in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that the parents can understand; “(e) Supplemental Educational Services “(2) LEA Responsibilities “(A) provide, at a minimum, annual notice to parents (in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.)”
Outreach to Parents About Tutoring for Kids Families, Communities, and Schools Working Together for Student Success
Parent Outreach Where have we been? Bernadette Anderson
Parent Outreach From 2004 to 2006 the Illinois PIRC partnered with 5 CBOs and FBOs across the state with the objective of increasing parents understanding of NCLB’s accountability, school choice, and supplemental services. Community Partners: West Town Leadership United Interfaith Leadership Project Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Peoria Christian Women of the New Wave John A. Logan Child Care Resource and Referral
Parent Outreach Outreach was delivered with a multi-tiered system: Regional NCLB Institutes Community Workshops for Parents Individual Family Guidance Sessions
Regional NLCB Institutes Number in Attendance: 1,033 Pre-Questionnaires: 938 Post-Questionnaires: 742 % Participants Answering “Somewhat” or “Yes Pre PostDiff IL Accountability System42%72%30% Purpose of Learning Standards61%80%19% School Report Card65%78%13% Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT)64%80%16% Informed of NCLB Law48%75%27% AYP Requirement48%78%30% Share This Information with Other Parents53%76% 23% Highly Qualified Teacher56%75%19% ISBE Reporting System31%58%27% Equip, Inform, Empower Parents59%76%17% Parent Comment: “Take the training out to the community centers and to the people who need it the most.”
Community Workshops Number in Attendance: 1335 Pre-Questionnaires: 1075 Post-Questionnaires: 1030 % Participants Answering “Somewhat” or “Yes Pre PostDiff IL Accountability System18%61%43% Purpose of Learning Standards24%61%37% School Report Card30%67%37% Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT)35%65%30% Informed of NCLB Law25%69%44% AYP Requirement23%70%47% Share This Information with Other Parents28%58% 30% ISBE Reporting System15%55%40% Equip, Inform, Empower Parents31%64%33%
Family Guidance Sessions 646 parents received an individualized Family Guidance Session Telephone Follow-Up Comments (Sample) Caused me to think more about the quality of education my child receives. I became aware of services available to my child in our district. I was able to seek tutoring for my son who is currently in special education. I am more prepared to make decision about my children’s education. I know the importance of having the right information to make the right decision on our kids education. It raised my awareness of the school’s report card and the importance of parent involvement. I learned I could have transferred, but my 30 days are up.
Home Visits In a separate PIRC project between 2002 and 2006, PIRC staff trained school staff and parents who visited the homes of K- 5 th graders to provide information to parents about their role in children’s reading and to distribute books to children. 6,926 families in high-poverty areas received a personal home visit through this project.
Home Visit Feedback Please let us know what you thought about our visit The visitor was friendly100% The information was helpful to my family100% I would like more visits like this one95% I look forward to my connections with the school99%
Parent Outreach Where are we going? Project Overview Reatha Owen
Project Goals 1. Increase the level of participation in Supplemental Educational Services through direct and personal outreach to parents whose children are eligible to receive free tutoring under NCLB. 2.Increase the knowledge of SES among community members in high-poverty communities and embed within these communities the capacity to inform parents about free tutoring and guide them in making decisions about it.
SES Outreach Pyramid
State Leadership Regional Comprehensive Center State Education Agency Parent Information Resource Center
Regional Comprehensive Center Regional SES Coordinator One-Day Training for SEA and PIRC Technical Assistance for SEA and PIRC
State Education Agency State SES Coordinator With PIRC, One-Day Training for District and Partners Technical Assistance to District and Partners
Parent Information Resource Center With SEA, One-Day Training for District and Partners Technical Assistance to District and Partners
School District District SES Coordinator Partnership with: Community-Based Organizations Faith-Based Organizations Documentation of SES Enrollment
Outreach Partners Community-Based Organizations Faith-Based Organizations SES Facilitator Outreach through SES Ambassadors SES Workshops for Parents Family SES Guidance Sessions
Parent Outreach What will we accomplish? Germaine Edwards
SES Ambassadors Staff and Volunteers of Outreach Partners Trained by SES Facilitator Canvass Neighborhoods Visit Homes Provide Information to Parents
SES Workshops for Parents 90 minutes Provided by Outreach Partner Assistance from District Community Setting or School
Family SES Guidance Sessions Minutes Private Session with Family Family SES Counselors From Outreach Partner
Objectives for Districts per State 3 Outreach Partners per District 250 Ambassador Visits per Partner 3 Workshops/100 Parents per Partner 25 Family Guidance Sessions per Partner
Total Outreach For State 2,250 Visits 900 Workshop Participants 225 Family Guidance Sessions
Total Outreach For District 750 Visits 300 Workshop Participants 75 Family Guidance Sessions
Project Evaluation Percent of eligible students enrolled in SES during the semester following outreach. Number of SES sessions attended per eligible student during the semester following outreach. Families receiving outreach vs. other eligible families in district and state.
Timeline By December 15 Regional Comprehensive Center trains SEA and PIRC By March 1 SEA and PIRC train District and Outreach Partners By August 15 Outreach Partners complete Family SES Guidance Sessions By April 15 Outreach Partners complete visits by SES Ambassadors By May 15 Outreach Partners complete SES Workshops for Parents
Parent Outreach Questions & Answers Joe Trunk