The SWAMP Advisor The SWAMP Advisor – A New Tool for Producing Consistent & Comprehensive Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) Lawrence H. Keith, Revital Katznelson, & Beverly van Buuren Presented at the NWQMC Meeting May 10, 2006, San Jose, CA
The SWAMP Advisor What is an Expert System? An “expert system” is an interactive computer program that provides the same answers and advice to questions that a human expert would. lIt emulates a human expert’s decision-making process in a particular domain of knowledge. u Advantages Include: l Ensures that all necessary questions are addressed and that all required forms are available. lProvides advice and information at any time, day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. lHelps users quickly find specific information and advice for a particular situation without wasting time on extraneous information. lGives consistent advice (unlike humans).
The SWAMP Advisor What is SWAMP? The Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) is the scientific lead for water quality monitoring performed by all Programs of the California State Water Resources Control Board. In addition, monitoring data collected by all recipients of grants for habitat restoration and pollutant reduction have to be SWAMP-comparable.
The SWAMP Advisor Why Develop the SWAMP Advisor? u 880 water monitoring projects supported by SWAMP. u All monitoring projects require a QAPP in a consistent format and that meets SWAMP protocols & directives. u Decisions involving quality objectives, method selection, the DQO Process, etc. are complex and some users may not be experienced in making them. u SWAMP’s current Electronic QAPP template doesn’t guarantee an acceptable QAPP that will meet DQOs and budgets. u Rejected QAPPs result in wasted staff time and frustrated applicants who must revise them.
The SWAMP Advisor How Does SWAMP Advisor Work? u Leads users through requirements of a SWAMP QAPP u Provides advice as well as information u Makes sure that all factors are considered - eliminates forgetting details that could require re-submission. u Helps users consider alternatives and make the best choices - but it won’t make decisions for them. l Doesn’t take the place of a human but simply is a tool to help the human be more efficient and not forget things. u Prepares QAPP components step by step and exports them as text files (each representing a section of the QAPP) that are later combined by the user to make a QAPP that should be acceptable the 1 st time.
The SWAMP Advisor Software Unique Characteristics - 1. Dual Screen Use u Two panel framework from EMMA and CBR Advisor (preceding expert systems developed under NSF and EPA). l Expert System questions and advice displayed in left frame. Advice also sometimes contains links to text file templates in Microsoft Word format. MS Word templates are used for simple administrative pages. l Explanation Box accompanying questions and answers is displayed in right frame - often with links to additional info. When additional “advice” is provided, as opposed to explanations from the QAPP template, the SWAMP Advisor icon is also used.
The SWAMP Advisor Software Unique Characteristics - 1. Dual Screen Use Illustrated Note the 3 Navigation Buttons A Link - Another Form of Navigation Expert System SideExplanation Box Side
The SWAMP Advisor Software Unique Characteristics - 2. Three “Planes” of Information lThe top level "Executive/Emergency Plane" Gives the user advice and answers for his or her specific needs as quickly as possible. lThe second level "Educational Plane" Provides explanations and ancillary information to help users understand what is being asked of them, why it is being asked, and what the consequences of their actions may be. lThe third level "Research Plane" Reached by internal and external hyperlinks from the second plane - contains extensive in-depth discussions and links to other web sites such as those of US EPA, USGS, etc.
The SWAMP Advisor Software Unique Characteristics - 2. Three “Planes” of Information Illustrated
The SWAMP Advisor Features Color Coded Title Bars Groups A, B, C, and D each have Top Level Color Coded Title Bars Each Element has a 2nd Level Color Coded Title Bar Each Sub-element has a 3rd Level Color Coded Title Bar
The SWAMP Advisor Features Hyperlinks and Rollovers u Hyperlinks to other files and web sites use standard underlined blue type. These include: l Links to RTF template files, l Adobe PDF files, l PowerPoint slide files, l Local web page URLs and other web site URLs u Hyperlinks that are “rolleover” (cursor hover) links are differentiated by using underlined red type. l These will include acronym definitions, technical word definitions, and comments using a standardized glossary.
The SWAMP Advisor Additional Advantages of the SWAMP Advisor In addition to having all necessary advice, information and forms available for QAPP preparation 24 / 7, the SWAMP Advisor: 1.Enables multiple lines of inquiry (study questions) and helps users to prepare technical descriptions that are specific to each by looping through applicable questions as many times as needed (i.e., once for each study question) in order to gather all necessary information; 2.Eliminates the arduous preparation of tables for MQOs, performance criteria, and quality check requirements in QAPP Elements 7, 12, 13, 14, and 16 by automatically “looking up” SWAMP Comparable data for each of the parameters selected for monitoring. The Advisor then provides all of these tables at once in an automatically generated file for each study question by using a “Measurement Core Loop” (illustrated in the next slide). 3.Saves completed sections for each QAPP Element in separate files. 4.Allows entry to any QAPP Element at any time to facilitate continuing where you left off if you didn’t complete the QAPP in one sitting.
The SWAMP Advisor Formulate a Study Question. 2. Select Characteristics to Measure (Analytes/Organisms) to Generate Data to Answer a Study Question. 3. Select Quality Objectives (Accuracy, Precision, DL) Adequate to Answer Study Question With Advisor Help. 4. Select Measurement Systems (Methods and Media) That Have Adequate Performance to Achieve Desired Quality Objectives. 5. Define Requirements for Quality Checks & Acceptance Criteria. 6. Automatic Generation of Tables 7, 12, 13, 14 & 16 for Each Study Question’s Separate File. SWAMP Advisor’s Measurement Core Loop – Process is Repeated for Each Study Question! File for Study Question #3. File for Study Question #2. File for Study Question #1.
The SWAMP Advisor Limitations of the SWAMP Advisor u Limitations based on your computer 1.You must have Java installed (most computers come that way and Java is free and easily installed if you don’t have it.) 2.Your browser must be set to allow Java to be used with it. 3.Your computer must allow text files to be sent to it using your browser, so pop- up blockers and some firewalls must be disabled in order for you to receive these files. u Limitations based on the SWAMP Advisor 1.Your files are prepared in Rich Text Format (RTF), so some formatting such as bold, italics, deleting notes, etc. will be required. 2.Tables are produced in comma delimited format, so you must use the “Covert Text to Table” tool to change the text into regular tables. u Limitations based on the SWAMP server 1. Security will not allow your text files to be saved on the server, so they must be sent to your computer. 2.Once you exit the SWAMP Advisor, all data and information gathered from your session that was not saved in the text files sent to your computer, is lost.
The SWAMP Advisor More Information u Want to see a demonstration? l I have my laptop computer here. u Want to see a Poster Presentation? l Talk to Will Hagan today from 2:30 – 3:30 pm at Poster Number 363 “Improving Quality Assurance Programs Using an Expert System.” u Want to contact me after the meeting? l