Women’s Issues in Drug Court Susan James-Andrews, MS, CAC LADCP 2002
Treatment “From the bench to the individual session, treatment should be provided in an wholistic manner” (Brisbane, James-Andrews,POC, Hawaii, 1999)
Issues for Women in Treatment Family Children Re-Unification Relationships Abuse Trauma/Grief Health
Family and Children Family –Generational substance abuse/addiction –Rejection –Role/place in family –Childhood –Expectations Children –Custody –Shame –Guilt –Out of home placement –Ages
Re-Unification SAFE Family Act Societies expectations Participants expectation To parent or not to parent Fears Expectations Failures
Relationships With other women With men Partners/Spouse Children Community Workforce Involvement with other systems Drug Court Interaction –Judge –Counselor –Case manager –Probation –Others …..
Abuse Psychological Physical Sexual Self –Not worthy syndrome –Shame –Guilt
Trauma/Grief Violence –Experiencing –Witnessing Death Poverty Racism
Health (Mind, Body & Spirit) Physical Psychological Spiritual
System Design Addressing the unique needs of women: Gender/Woman Specific
Gender Specific Services Is Not A program that only admits women and uses the same approach provided to men
What is Gender Specific Services? Recognizes “real” differences from males & females –Interaction styles –Learning styles –Female socialization –Support Systems (female mentors) Respects the components of culture relevant to women/girls Addresses unique aspects of race/ethnicity
Female Specific Services Defined “ A culturally relevant wholistic approach that focuses on strengths, safety, empowerment, skill building and survival skills. The healing philosophy embraces the concept of women/girls being in control of their own lives and promotes continuous change.” –Susan James-Andrews “ Why Gender Specific Treatment”, 5/2000
Staffing and “Treatment” Actually visit a treatment site Determine what type of gender specific services are provided –Tracks –Group –Staff training –Feminist therapy techniques* –Continuum Ask questions: –Do you enjoy working with women/girls –Do you feel women/girls are more difficult to work with than men/boys –What is your philosophy regarding gender specific services –How is safety defined?
Women In Drug Courts Judge Female versus Male counselors –Closer look at phases Survival or manipulation Staff splitting Peer interaction Appearance/Body Image Sanctions and Incentives
SAFETY Safe from the system Safe from peers Safe from aggression Safe from family
Assess System Growth rate of women/girls in the justice system Screening for eligibility /gender sensitive Treatment assessment relevant to unique needs of women/girls Community support system specific to women Availability of female mentors Feminist Therapy techniques in service delivery
Staffing Considerations Culturally Competent Reflection of the population Mentors Strength Based approach Adolescent Development (girls) Materials specific to women/girls Comfortable with issues of sexuality? –Coercion –Abuse –Violence –Commercial Sex Workers –lesbians
TRUST Why Who When How