How much did we do? Family Counseling How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? Quantity Quality Effect Effort # of families counseled Unit cost % families with counselors of like ethnicity # of families with separations from divorce or foster care (within 6 mo.) % of families with separations from divorce or foster care (within 6 mo.)
How much did we do? Post Separation Services How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? Quantity Quality Effect Effort # of families served # of children served Unit cost per family % of kept appointments # of successful visitation sessons # of children with good school grades and attendance % of successful visitation sessions % of children with good school grades and attendance
How much did we do? Dispute Resolution / Mediation How well did we do it? Is anyone better off? Quantity Quality Effect Effort # of persons served # of disputes Unit cost (compared to average court resolution costs) # of disputes resolved to both party’s satisfaction # holding 6 months later % of disputes resolved to both party’s satisfaction % holding 6 months later