Senior Parent Information Sessions Riverside High School Guidance
What’s going on NOW Senior Conferences Completed - review of transcripts, discussion of college and career plans, help finding information College Applications – Early admission to most colleges is November 1 st. Students should be applying now. SAT/ACT Testing – tests in October, November, and December. Seniors should test as soon as possible. College Application Week – November 15th
Applying to College Apply early in the fall Most have an on-line application. Apply through CFNC, through the school of your choice, or come to the counseling office for a paper copy if needed. Follow instructions for applying – “The Art of Applying” and “10 Suggestions for Putting Together an Excellent Application” are in your folder. Bring application (if it is a paper application) to your counselor or let your counselor know when transcripts/counselor statements need to be sent. Please allow 3-5 working days before any deadline. SAT scores have to be sent through College Board, ACT scores through ACT. They have to be official.
Applying to College Please allow teachers or other adults 5 days to complete your recommendations. Counselors will review your application if needed. Visit’s College Fair link to do virtual tours of campuses and find campuses that meet your criteria. Really search – there are many more colleges than you think in North Carolina, all specializing in different fields of study. (See map in your folder) Don’t discount community college, even if you are 4- year college bound. Students can save 10 – 25,000 dollars by entering a college transfer program.
Scholarships Scholarships are competitive. They may be based on academics, SAT/ACT scores, financial need, extra-curricular activities, community service, or many other factors. Check the guidance Web page at for up-to-date information. Also, the latest issues of the Round Table newsletter have scholarship information. Explore the Web – especially If you find a scholarship that we have not listed, please let us know! Investigate scholarships offered by businesses or industries for children of employees. Civic clubs and churches also offer scholarships. Many students shy away from scholarships for which they have to write; however, these may be easier to get than you think, because fewer people compete for them!
Tips for a successful senior year Listen to the announcements, pick up a copy of them in the office, or read them on-line. Read your Round Table newsletter. Stop by guidance often. Check out the bulletin boards and come in and check to see if anything new has come in. Sign up for updates with guidance. Check the guidance web site often. Do a college tour! This can help narrow down your choices. Remember deadlines. They are firm. Colleges and scholarships do not take excuses, no matter what the excuse might be!
Paying for College Apply for Financial Aid. We will have a FAFSA night early in the spring semester. Make sure to file your income taxes as soon as possible, as you need them to complete the FAFSA form. Do not complete the FAFSA until you have completed your income tax forms for 2010.
Contact information Missy Griffin – David Freeman – Office phone: Office fax: We are usually available from 7:45 – 3:15