Wisconsin is Open for Business Wisconsin Workforce Strategy: Council on Workforce Investment Manny Perez Secretary Department of Workforce Development May 6, 2011
Wisconsin is Open for Business Governor’s Directive to Workforce Development Implement throughout Wisconsin a coordinated workforce system that: Anticipates and meets private sector labor needs Supports the development of a highly qualified labor force and attracts, creates, and retains jobs Empowers individuals to become self-sufficient
Wisconsin is Open for Business Developed strong coordination between DWD and Commerce, also Children & Families, and Corrections Completed WI industry sector analysis for Commerce Presented the Governor’s charter to regional partners, local stakeholders; urged their joint collaboration Achievements to date under Governor Walker Wisconsin Technical College System University of Wisconsin System K-12 Schools Established WI labor demand for very short term (Jan to July 1), short term (Jan to Dec 31, 2011) to start minimizing reactive mode Completed WI industry forecast for each workforce development area Completed WI labor forecast for each workforce development area Identified Worker Compensation marketing differentiators for Wisconsin Supported adherence to financial transparency at the agency and workforce board levels Workforce Development Boards Economic development regions Local Chambers of Commerce
Wisconsin is Open for Business Shortage of skilled labor Workers not having proper work habits (attendance, safety, soft skills) High school graduates not having adequate levels of proficiency in English, basic math, and basic science Non-standardized data collection Different levels of effective communication between the regional workforce development boards and local stakeholders Different levels of audit compliance Challenges observed in different areas
Wisconsin is Open for Business Very little participation of DPI Career Counselors in workforce development Different levels of availability of short-term technical training and lack of alignment with private sector needs Lack of flexibility on fund usage by regional workforce development boards Disconnects between different educational levels and ability to transfer credits among them Negative image of manufacturing sector as dirty, dead end job Lack of optimal coordination of “workforce” federal funds received by other state agencies and funds being allocated directly by federal government Challenges observed in different areas
Wisconsin is Open for Business Thank You!