Training to meet requirements for Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
Federal Law passed in 2000 Protecting Children in the 21 st Century Act (2010) These are not technology issues. They are social, developmental, educational, prevention-intervention, risk & protective, school climate, Common Core Standards issues. 2
Mandated by CIPA laws for E-Rate and other Federal Funding Outlined in YCSD Technology Plan Referenced in District Policies-AUP and Internet Safety Policies 3
You are required to conduct a training for your building staff We have included a 23 minute video to use, which can be followed by discussion Documentation of the training must be submitted to Doug Hiscox along with sign in sheet by December 14, 2012 Plans and expectations for student training should be discussed at this time 4
Counselors are responsible to see that all students are “trained” Recommended resources are provided for classroom use Check with your Principal to determine who will conduct the student training-Counselor or classroom teacher Submit documentation of this training to Principal by December 12 and to Doug Hiscox by December 14,
If using a desktop computer for presenting, the Resources are available at My Computer-G: drive in a folder named Internet Safety Resources. There will be folders for Staff, Elementary or Middle/High Schools If using a laptop, resources are found on the following site: On left side, you will find links for Staff, Elementary, or Middle/High Schools. Documents are also available here for your convenience 6
Elementary Materials include 2 videos from BrainPop. You may need to login; this info will be provided to you. Discussion should follow the videos. There are loads of other resources available there too Middle/High School Materials include links to 6 short videos on appropriate topics. Each should be followed by discussion All trainings should be able to be completed in a class period 7
Staff training-include sign in sheet along with Documentation Form, signed and dated by Principal Student training-include attendance list along with Documentation Form, signed and dated by the trainer. Submit all of these to Principal All Staff and Student Documentation must be sent to Doug Hiscox by December 14, 2012 Be sure to have a plan for training absent students and staff Keep a copy of all documentation at building 8